
Nana Zaidi

Ask @NaaZydi

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Which gossip is there about you?

Too much but i just think to let them collect all the sins. I dont care at all. Let them spread all those fake about me.

What are you waiting for?

Do u want me to sing some night? X. Death to come along with me. Even i'm scared of that

What is the formula of happiness?

8 Plate of foods *any food*, 24/7 sleep, doing what we want, catching butterfly, live with the one you love, thinking of your God. That's it.

Who is someone you wish you had never met?

My friends. I have my own reason why i say that. Not because of i didn't love them. But uhm just.. Okay stop here.

call me jeppe tho. oh and I do nothing. anyway im off now. going out with le friends. lol. bye x

hahaha okayy. me too, going to sleep. Bye have a nice day. o

ive got it wrong? haha. ok, but she still living her life. so i still get some parts right. lol

Yeah just some parts :P Luckily i don't have to say that ily words to you. hahahaha

damn. nana. ive got typo there -.- oh and the ending? :)

Typo is a cute thing. :p Its like 'cerita tergantung'. Yenno what I mean righttt? hahaha the ending is that she's still alive even the cancer was getting worst.


Language: English