
Nana Zaidi

Ask @NaaZydi

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describe akuu pulak

muka handsome k jangan kembang. hmmm budak bola kan? team tak siap folio sama dengan aku. agaknya suka lipton kot sama ah weh. jadi twin aku yg ke berapa. budak pandai, hahaha tak kenal sgt so tak tahu nak describe kau.
Liked by: hazwan

that's crrect...nobody's perfect..sis...do u know me??

Yeap. hm how could i know u? show me yourself :P

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pahal pindah sasem pulak doh ?

eh2. jgn marah aku. ikut akk aku punya pasal lah T^T dah2 jangan bangkitkan issue ni balik. sedih tau dok

when u had 2 face the music because on your act....what would u do??

just keep calm and face it. Everyone makes mistake, right? so keep calm and learn on

Orang johor rupanya... Kelantan vs Johor bola sepak... tau bila...? haha...

yeah oghe johor. haha tak tahu lah. tahu tengok tapi tak mangat nk ambik tahu mereka lawan bila

Tak pergi mana pon... huhu... malam ni dah nak balik kampus... btw umur kamu brapa ya...?

Ouh ye ke? kesian x) college rupanya. Baru 15. hahah
Liked by: Ruieez Hafry

What do you like to do on the weekends?

Reading books. And hey I just bought a dozen of books. or more maybe

What slang word or phrase do you love to use?

British accent? nigga? American accent? LOL kecek kelate. johor sudah lahhh.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Ticket for my family and me to go hajj, most expensive car in the world, tickets for a long holiday, house,donate it to sudan, palestine and people who needed.


Language: English