Ask @baekjei

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Udah denger cuplikan ost yang baek nyanyiin kak?bikin nyenyak tidur :((( pengen peluk dia :(((

Iya udah ya Allah akhirnya Baekhyun dapet porsi solo beneran juga :"" mukanya seneng banget lagi pas disuruh ngasitau :""
Liked by: nad

ka jey bhs Inggris nya lancar, otodidak /les bhs inggris

Ah... gak lancar juga... I'm still lacking everywhere loh.
Aku pas kecil suka 'ngemil' kamus, kamus bergambar gt, sm kamus indonesia-inggris. TAPI pas kecil doang. Literally masih kecil belom sekolah.
Trs dilesin bhs Inggris pas masuk TK sampe SD kelas berapa gt.
Sisanya belajar di sekolah/kampus/belajar sendiri.
Tapi tetep aja.... (sighs)
Liked by: ғanιѕy

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Kak jeyiiiiiiiii baekhyun nyanyi ost nya exo next door kak jeyyyyy gimana ini kakkkkk;;;;

((pdhl langsung buyar goodbye))
Liked by: nad Ainah ғanιѕy

((it's uplifting anon again, just want to wish you luck for the exam!! i hope you will be motivated again, cheer up! ^^))

awww thankyou so much huhuhu youre so kind im so touched ㅠㅠㅠㅠ (insert various crying stickers) ♥♥♥♥

hi, it's uplifting anon! pertanyaan hari ini: what would you tell yourself today to make you feel better? (can be answered anytime you need some encouragement from yourself! ><) have a great day!

Whoa, I've been wanting to say something wise to myself since last week, and here you are. Are you my other half? Lol.
Well, things had been really hard for me since the midtest started. I got extremely demotivated, even before the test got started, so that I didn't learn well and of course I didn't do well too (some of them are big fail tho, I'm sure). It's never happened before. 'cos of that, I got more and more demotivated. So now,

Hey, Jes. Please. Please. One more exam awaits, just please, do well in this one last exam. So that you can gain your motivation to study again. Remember mom and dad who pay for your college. What's been done cannot be replayed unless you're Tao (lol what), so now, just let it go. There will be fire in your midterm report, but hey, we still have 50% for the final term. So, do well there, please, please. 정신차려 제이야!!!! 야!!!! Study well! You need to get some experience (and money) from internship! It will make your life easier! 야! Think about your future just once!!!

ok thankyou uplifting anon for the chance :*

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Liked by: shalsa

yesss yessss and here is our charming loud kid today jjashfjabfjhbdajfsd i miss him being the MC ;---;

Yessss omg thankyou Kwanghee for bringing the 오구오구 aegyo again HUHUHUHU DIDNT YOU SQUEAL AT THAT HUHUHUHU I miss MC Byun so much ㅠㅠㅠㅠ seems like Kwanghee really really misses them too (B & Suho) :")
Liked by: April-ya

ugh same me too i've been trapped since 2012!!!! i thought i could leave him but until now, nope, no at all. even from all the things that happened back then, it only made me love him even more now FSKJFKHFSIUFHUIS

I also have tried my everything to wash him out of my mind but none of my efforts work :"(
ahhh it's nice to know another me (or another b's charm's victim)! lets just keep on loving the charming loud kid okay??
Liked by: April-ya

and he will throw some witty words like “This is johwa, i johwa you so much, will you go out with me?” and so on and so on FHSFKJHSFIHFJHFSKJ ffs baekhyun is driving me crazy

Wtf his cheesy lines featuring some wordplays ugh he's been driving me crazy since 2012, so it's been 3 years of going crazy goodbye.
Liked by: April-ya

kak ff pas baekhyun tau istrinya hamil lagi kak

"When will you go home..." B's wife asked via phone.
"Maybe on Sunday, dear. I'm so sorry..." She could sense a cute frown forming on his face, which made her smile.
"Well.. I have something to tell you..."
"Mm? What is it?"
"Whaaaat aaaaa tell me quicklyyyy! Are you okay there??" He whined.
"Mmm... you'll be a father soon."
He got his heart stopped for some miliseconds at his wife's words, what did she say?
"A father."
"I think I've turned into a feather, my body feels so light right now, am I in heaven now?"
"Yah Byun Baekhyun get a grip!"
Then there was a sudden silence for some seconds, before she heard Baekhyun shouting at (maybe) his working partner or a waiter or just some random people who were passing by him, "I WILL BE A FATHER!!! A FATHER!!!"
She merely smiled at Baekhyun's cute reaction, so then she waited until he finished his mini celebration.
"I will come home tonight okay? I will ask for my boss' permission now, like right now, I would kick his chin if he doesn't let me go."
"Good luck, honey."
"I LOVE YOU MMMMWAH!!" He smooched his phone before ending the call, then ran to his boss' office really quickly with overwhelming happiness.

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Why does the Easter bunny hide eggs?

Because they have worked hard decorating the eggs, it would be really sad if human steals their magnificent eggs :(
Liked by: Katlyn. baekhyun as that sassy and loud boyfriend who lives next door. he's loud enough to annoy the neighbors around.

He's indeed that kind of boyfriend who shouts "자기!!! 뭐해요 지금???" from his window to his girl's window. And then smiles cheekily as he put his elbow on the window pane when his girl nagged at him for being too noisy.
He'd reply "나도 사랑해!!! I will be there soon! 기다려라 뿌잉!!" and will be in front of his girl's house in a second to disturb her lovingly.

Kakk ff baekhyun dikerjain karena mau ultah dong hehee

Sial, gue jd inget belum jadi beliin kado buat Baekhyun :"( kayanya ga bisa beli lagi huhuhu ㅠㅠ
"Heh, Baekhyun lo dimana sih??" kata Chanyeol dengan nada kesel via telepon, Baekhyun yg bener2 baru kebangun gara2 telepon Chanyeol, langsung masang muka sebel.
"Apaan sih?" Suaranya masih serek karena belum minum air putih.
"Lo dimana jing. Kita kan ada janjian mau ketemu hari ini buat bahas BKUI sama semua panitia! Udah jam berapa ini!!"
Kebetulan emang Chanyeol sama Baekhyun adalah PO dan VPO dari BKUI tahun ini. Baekhyun pun langsung kaget dengernya.
"Hah...? Serius? Kok gue lupa ya?"
"Ye udah cepetan berangkat!!" Bentak Chanyeol sambil nutup teleponnya. Baekhyun panik. Mana dia lg di rumah, bukan di kosan. Kalo di kosan sih nosa tinggal mandi kucing terus cabut naik ojek ke perpusat. Lah ini.....
Dengan perasaan bersalah pun Baekhyun siap2, dia emang ngerasa ada sesuatu sih hari ini, tapi emangnya itu meeting buat BKUI ya...?

Kebetulan mama papa lagi gak di rumah, Baekhyun bisa skip sarapan dan langsung cabut ke kampus naik kereta, karena kalo naik mobil pasti kena macet.

Sesampainya di perpusat, Baekhyun langsung pasang muka yg sesuai, yg bisa bikin Chanyeol gak marah lagi.
Tapi kok... gaada tanda2 ada meeting? Cuma ada Chanyeol yg sibuk sama hpnya.
"Eh... Yeol..."
Chanyeol langsung nengok, mukanya keras, kayaknya dia kesel banget.
"Telat." kata Chanyeol, "semuanya udah pada pulang. VPO macem apa sih lo gatau jadwal meeting?"
"Sorry... gue skip banget. Maaf banget serius."
Chanyeol cuma hela napas, "Ikut gue cepet." kemudian berdiri.
"Udah ikut aja elah."
Baekhyun pun pasrah ngikutin Chanyeol, ternyata dia jalan ke balairung, lumayan jauh juga, tapi Baekhyun berusaha gak protes karena Chanyeol yg kesel emang lebih serem dari anjing herder.
"Lo tunggu sini." kata Chanyeol yg masuk ke lantai bawah balairung.
Baekhyun diem doang, masih syok karena udah bikin kesalahan fatal.
Tapi kemudian,

"WOY NYET!" Panggil Chanyeol, pas Baekhyun nengok, udah ada temen2nya (yaitu 8 mahasiswa lainnya, taulah siapa), ada yang megang kue, megang kotak kado, megang muka Baekhyun yg dijadiin topeng, macem2.
Baekhyun langsung berubah datar "-_- emang ye. Emang maneh semua tayi!!!! Elo paling paling Yeol!!!" Baekhyun pun langsung menyerang Chanyeol secara brutal tapi Chanyeol langsung lari sambil teriak2 nyanyi "HEPI BEEEERSDEY BAEKHYUUUUUN"

Dah maaf ya sampah dan penuh kebaekyeolan.

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