
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Who's in charge of choosing when certain bumpers and station idents get to air for both Cartoon Network and Adult Swim?

I'm in charge of the Adult Swim ones, someone else is in charge of the Cartoon Network ones.

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What do you think of shows with really long titles (this has become more often in some anime)? Do you hope this becomes a trend in American entertainment media?

I think really long titles are generally self-indulgent and dumb.

Can you enjoy a form of fictional media with a low self-esteem, cowardly MC?

I'm not sure what the heck you're talking about, but I enjoy all forms of media.

I'm going through an existential crisis, can you give me advice on how to cope with it?

I'd need more detail to really say anything meaningful here, but if you're questioning whether life has any meaning and anything matters, I'd say that's pretty normal! All thinking individuals feel this way from time to time.
For me, it's mostly become an irrelevant question. I don't feel we humans will ever really know if life has meaning, and therefore we must each find our own meaning in our daily lives. For me, that meaning is found first and foremost in lifting up my family and friends whenever possible, and devoting myself to enriching their life experience whenever I can. It's also found in creating, helping other creators, spreading art and ideas and trying to offer people an escape from their problems, and generally trying to not be shitty. This "meaning" makes me feel good, and some other people feel good, and that's all that matters to me.
I don't think the universe cares about it, or needs to.
This approach to life works for me, but of course it might not work for everyone. Take a look at your own life and ask yourself why it feels so empty. What's missing, and if you don't know, can you talk to someone who might help you figure that out? Identifying what's troubling you is the first step. Good luck.

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do you have a favorite four tet cd??

Will probably always be "Rounds" for me, mostly b/c "Spirit Fingers" is one of my favorite songs.

What do you think about Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man

Blech. Not interested in another Spidey reboot, not interested in Spidey livening up more Marvel four quadrant tent poles.
Liked by: corey barnes

Since I see you're a huge music guy, I was wondering, what do you think about the Vinyl vs CD thing (asking as I'm currently fixing up a record player and this came to mind and thought of you)

I think nothing sounds as good as a well-recorded, well pressed record played on a good turntable connected to a good system. However, if you want "pure" fidelity, a CD or full Rez digital file is about as clear of a musical recording one can get. I prefer the warmth of vinyl when listening in my home. Everywhere else, I listen to mp3s. The thing is, it doesn't matter that much either way! Whatever works for your lifestyle is all you need. Enjoy.

Are you a negative or positive person?

Like most people I can be a bit of both, depending on the day.

hi, im the anon that was being hit on by his coworker i took your advise and just let it go and that worked for a while but then she started doing things like saying nice ass when i picked things up and pinched me whenever she got a chance so i asked her nicely to stop or i would tell our boss 1/2

Well it sounds like she was a bit of a creep, so at least you won't deal with that anymore!

do you ever feel weird/alienated in social gatherings?

All the time. I avoid them probably too often. I find being around groups of people I don't know well to be enervating, in general. Believe it or not, I'm not really much a of a people person!

Are you gonna go see the new Terminator?

Yeah man I'll see it. I'm pretty much into all things involving killer robots from the future.

I might be reading too much into the wording but in the DBZ-athon promo you talk about grand finale of AoT, is that "grand finale" for that part of the series or is it being taken off the air after that episode for something else?

Huh? No, it means the finale of the marathon night. That's all.

Out of your whole dvd collection, which dvds you wont sell or let anyone touch?

Um none. It's cool to collect stuff but I don't like it when ppl get weird about it.

Isn't it possible that one of the reasons Prince of Tennis, etc failed is because for whatever reason CN chose to air episodes out of order and skip episodes?

Can didn't "choose" to skip eps and air them out of order, that was what was delivered by the distributor. Regardless, I don't believe that was an important reason why the show didn't catch on.
Liked by: John


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