
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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You riding with this Anderson Paak album?

Hell yeah. It's great. Particularly "The Season/Carry Me" which just sealed the fucking deal.

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I saw you finished Fallout 4 a couple of weeks ago, what games have you been playing since then?

notjuan_’s Profile PhotoLuis
I took a break for a couple of weeks, and then started (and just finished) Just Cause 3.

When do you think the 'golden age' of Television began?

The easy answer is with The Sopranos, which wasn't the first TV show to achieve a level of complexity and cinematic execution that transcended the norm, but was one of the first to become a true hit phenomenon. The Sopranos also lead to the creation of many more shows, leading to the current state of amazing TV. I think you could go back a bit farther, though, to shows like Hill Street Blues, St. Elsewhere, or even shows like X-Files or Twin Peaks, or in the UK Prime Suspect or The Singing Detective. There has always been quality TV as long as there has been TV, but I think the current crop of great shows is due to the crazily competitive nature of the crowded media landscape right now. There will be a crash, inevitably, but until that happens, I'll enjoy the ride. ;)

What kind of place do you think is ideal for the first date? Why do you think so?

I think the ideal place for a first date is somewhere you think your date might enjoy. Also, somewhere that you can talk and have some alone time. Good luck!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

hello sorry but I wanted to ask how do I get the certification blue of simbol ask ? thank you and excuse the trouble❤✌

I'm verified on Twitter so I think that's how I got it here.

I have been trying to get into the metal gear franchise but I don't know where I should start. Should I play the games in their chronological order, or by their original release date? I know I could watch a video that explains it all, but I want to experience these games for myself.

TripletTwick’s Profile PhotoThomas Wick
Honestly the Metal Gear story is a hot mess and you don't need to pay much attention to any of it. Buy the new game, it's terrific. Catch up with the story on Youtube, then slog through the hour and a half of boring ass cinemas, and then start playing. It's one of the best games of the year and I think you'll have a blast. Kojima is a genius game developer.
Liked by: Thomas Wick

If you were to name a child of yours after a favorite character in literature who would it be for a girl and a boy? and why?

I wouldn't do that to be honest. I don't think like that.

What do you think of the new Bowie album?

Tbh I was never a huge Bowie fan, and the FEVER of your average Bowie "fan" kinda put me off of him. He was never a seminal artist for me. I always respected him and his work, and certainly have engaged with/enjoyed some of his albums and many of his hits. Blackstar was actually the first Bowie album I was enjoying since Outside, and I was just beginning to think "wow, maybe I need to dig back in to his catalog" when he passed. The sheer will and grace with which he pulled off his exit from this plane is kind of magical, I think, and makes me respect him all the more. Blackstar is much harder to listen to now that I know what it's about, but it also has achieved a resonance that will last forever.

Thoughts on self driving cars?

I think they're a terrible idea. I don't think removing humans from operating heavy equipment we all have to deal with is smart. The tech behind them is great but I don't believe the software is advanced enough to be reactive in situations where preprogrammed conditions aren't met.
Liked by: John

Was picking out some of the music from the adult swim bumps old and new, and wondered since you were so involved with music choices, did you choose all the tracks on the cards/bumps/etc or just Toonami?

The Adult Swim bumps team chooses what music goes in the bumps. Like with Toonami, I make sure to provide them with music though licensing deals with labels like Warp, Ghostly, Ninja Tune, Hyperdub, Now-Again, etc, and then music from artists like Flying Lotus, Run the Jewels, Clams Casino, Thelonious Martin, FRIENDZONE, Death Grips, and many more.
Liked by: [John]

thoughts on Birdman?

Pretentious, reaching, fake-deep tripe, BUT- great performances all around, some stunning camera work, and a nice score. Also I love Michael Keaton. Ultimately it's a wash.
Liked by: Geoffrey Oliver

tbh my first impression of you was that you don't like black people

Not sure how or why you might have that impression, but clearly, it was incorrect!


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