
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What's it like being a married man? To wake up next to a beautiful woman who appreciates you for who you are and not for your occupation, money status etc. I yearn for a significant who just likes me for me and not the social ladder bullshit

Well I love my wife and I'm very lucky we found each other. She's an absolute treasure and a person I admire beyond any other. I'm not sure what "social ladder bs" you're referring to, but unless you're very rich or famous, you probably don't need to be worrying about that! Try to judge people on their own merits and be honest with them, that's the only path that leads to healthy relationships. Good luck.

Was informed on friday that I was being fired as manager for the company I worked for. I had done a good job up until this year where sales dropped and employees started fighting with each other. I worked there for 10 years and my staff really liked me. How do I get myself back on my feet again?

I'm sorry, that sucks. 10 years is a long time, too. All you can really do is take whatever time you can to rest and reassess, then dust yourself off, and start applying anywhere and everywhere that someone with your experience and skill set would have a chance of being hired. You'll be back on your feet in no time, and if you're lucky, you may even find yourself in a better situation than the one you left! At least, that's what I hope happens. Good luck.
Liked by: Blanchard

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WHY DO u believe REN & STIMPY got CANCEL and Rugrats went on for another 9 yrs? The quality droped because JOHN KRICFALUSI LEFT & people left too? Nick couldnt handle the controversies that came with the show anymore? or Do u believe it had a nice run at the end? i was 5 yrs old at the time :D THXS

Without John K. the show had lost its spark, and people noticed.
Liked by: Blanchard Zeether

How do you feel about Doctor Who right now compared to prior seasons? I honestly haven't watched the most recent few episodes because it really feels like it's going through the motions (and badly) I hardly feel like plot is progressing meaningfully. And it makes me sad. Capaldi is great tho.

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
I think this is the weakest season in a decade. I really like all the principals but I feel like it's time for Moffat to step aside and let a new voice take the reigns for a bit.
Liked by: Duelist

Thoughts on sampling? Do you ever listen to any locals beats?

I love sample-based music. Not sure what you mean by "locals?"

Have you ever met MF DOOM?

Ha yeah we made an album together. "The Mouse and The Mask" by DangerDOOM. He made me a painting that still hangs on the wall at Williams Street!

You know, this is a pretty cool suggestion. Do you think it'd be interesting if you all put some of the Intruder ripple effects slightly during a shows episode airing, like how it ripples during the segue into the Adult Swim logo?

People who aren't invested in the Intruder storyline are not going to appreciate it if the episodes of shows are messed with, sorry.

why were the bumpers all corrupted last week despite sara still being online

Because the ship was hit with an EMP, bringing down a lot of the normal systems. Look up "Electromagnetic Pulse" if you don't know what that is.

why is the intruder obsessed with making tom suffer and killing him? i get that it might be a species that just eats but... killing toms friend, THAT sadistic.

I answered this question earlier today. See below.


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