
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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How does one go about getting a magnificent beard such as yours? #SexyBeast

Ha my beard kinda sucks to me but thanks for the compliment!
Liked by: Inception

You and Gill seem like you'd be fun as heck to hang out and shoot the shit with. Do you agree with me? You guys are certainly hilarious on PreFlight.

Ha well thanks for the compliment. We enjoy each other's company so that always helps.
Liked by: Duelist

Thank you for continuing to mention Mastodon. I finally went to check out "Oblivion" and now I see what you like so much about them. Going to listen to them more and more. :)

rebelcheese’s Profile Photomacattack
Awesome, they rule!

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So me and my gf both work at McDonald's she's in service and I'm in grill but now they're gonna start letting her work in grill sometimes too and for some reason I dont like that and I can't figure why.so what I'm asking is do you have any clue why i would have a problem with it?

I don't know you or her so that's hard to extrapolate. Maybe you enjoy being with her but the idea of sharing a work space is just a little too much sustained closeness in the same space?

I dont know if you remember the show Ultraman? if so, what do you think of it?

I always enjoyed it, I'm not a huge fan but it's classic for sure.

So if "The Wire" and "Buffy" we're remastered into 16:9 is such a bad thing, then why "IGPX" being remastered into 16:9? Were you not involved with that decision?

IGPX was never made in 4:3. And I said it was against THOSE creators' wishes, I wasn't speaking of myself.

Why doesn't adult swim air most of it's 4:3 content in it's original aspect ratio?

Because nobody wants to watch anything in 4:3 anymore, for the most part. Why do you think Buffy and The Wire were remastered in 16:9 again ya their creators' will?

My friends think i'm weird cause I don't want to date anyone, have sex with anyone, and hardly find anybody attractive. Am I weird?

Nope you're NOT weird. There is room in this world for all types of human sexuality, and that includes people who are asexual, demisexual or Gray-asexual. You may fall into one of these categories, or you may not. Either way- your approach to sex may be less common, but you are not weird. Tell your friends to worry about their own business, and let you do you.
Liked by: Blanchard John Claire

Do you like the two new Game albums?

They're like every other Game album. Not bad, pretty good even, but fundamentally remaking shit I've heard done better years ago by others.

I made a YouTube channel a while back called ShinigamiHarry and I was wondering if you could give me any tips on gaining views and subscribers

Just keep doing it, get as good as you can at it, and share what you do with friends and family. If what you're doing is worth seeing, eventually I think people will catch on.

Do you have any music recommendations to help you get through a death in the family?

I generally don't recommend sad music when you are sad. For me, it just takes me too far down the rabbit hole. In times of extreme distress, I find myself listening to more electronic or instrumental music, mellow stuff like say, The Field or Boards of Canada. Stuff that can calm me and let me do my internal work without getting in the way, you know?
Liked by: Leo Mathews

How was it possible for The kids WB to use the name Toonami? Isn't that some kind of copyright violation?

Nope we are the same company.

Are all the cats in the recent adult swim video on Facebook, pets from Williams Street employees?

No, most of them are stock footage.
Liked by: Joshua

Ever had any badass, crazy or really weird dreams? I'd love to hear about them.

True fact: I don't remember 99% of my dreams.

How do you balance career and family?

Not easily! You have to try to unplug when you come home and be present for your loved ones. Generally I do that, but once in a while I get too deep into work. It's important to listen to your family too when they say "hey, we miss you."


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