
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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How true is it from your point of view that the entertainment industry (in any medium) nowadays demands you play niceness for every possible connection you meet and that you can NEVER have an unhappy moment in public?

100% accurate. People want to know as much about you as possible UNLESS it's unpleasant, or something they disagree with. And you're supposed to be happy and polite and grateful for attention no matter how many people are shitty to you. We have an incredibly warped relationship with celebrity.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

Why do you hate NYC so much?

A. Don't hate it at all, just don't love it either.
B. Why do you care? Millions of ppl think it's the greatest city on earth. If your one of those, cuddle up with your friends and leave the rest of us alone. Who cares?

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Shout out to the only celebrity to give a Damn about his fans to continue answering questions on here you rock Mr Demarco!!

Thanks so do you!

Favorite OutKast album? And who do you think is better, Andre or Big Boi?

Aquemini by a nose. Neither one is better, the genius of the group is both Big and Dre brought something different to the table. They both can rap their asses off.

People seem to be under the notion that a network will cancel or not show something because "they don't like it!" Bottom line, of people support a type of programming and it does well (makes money), we'll see more of that type. In the end, aren't financial and rating reasons the driving factor?

They are almost always the entire deciding factors. Once in a great while there are other mitigating circumstances, but usually it's ratings.

What do you think of Metallica's ...And Justice For All album? I always felt it was missing something due to the lack of bass, though Blackened and One are fantastic IMO. What do you think?

I think that is the album where they turned into a band I don't like. There are still some jams on there but they were never the same band after Cliff was gone.

Got a 3DS? What games would you recommend?

Oh man there are SOOOO many great games for 3DS but I think it's a great platform for Jrpgs. I'd go ham on classic Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games if I were you.

Thoughts on the Big Boi Phantogram album

I like it! Heard it a long time ago and now that it's out I'm reminded of how dope it is. Big Boi is so fun to listen to, still.

Do you like the X-Wings at all? I always thought they were pretty cool and had a toy one with R2 and when you pressed his head the wings expanded.

Yeah of course, had an X-Wing as a kid, they're awesome.
Liked by: Sam Constantino

You are ridiculously generous with your time on this thing! Thanks for everything and sorry about all the trolls out there asking dumb questions!

Thank you!

what's your favorite disney halloween cartoon?

Definitely "The Adventures of Ichabod and Mr. Toad." I don't like much Disney stuff but I've always LOVED those "Legends" shorts.
Liked by: Misaka

So, why was part of you kinda disappearing in today's Pre-Flight?

Google "green screen" at all shall become clear my friend.

With the fall TV season here, we will soon start hearing about the first cancellations, some after only a few episodes. Are networks (not you guys, you usually at least let the run finish first!) just not in a position to ride it out anymore?

Networks have never been in a position to "ride it out" really. Now even less so. If something doesn't pop either critically or with an audience, and it isn't cheap &/or owned in part by the network, it's outta there.

Would you ever call yourself a grumpy old man (jokingly or otherwise)?

Nah. I'm negative about as much as I'm positive, people just remember negativity more. Human nature.
Liked by: Sketch

Be honest, do you trust Jose with IGPX? Wouldn't you all on the Toonami team done a way better job than he could ever do for this DVD?

Let me be clear: Without Jose, the IGPX DVDs might not even have happened at all. As far as the job he's doing, no one at Toonami has the time or money to devote to make the remaster properly, like he has been. Without his hard work, the IGPX DVDs wouldn't be worth a hill of beans. If you care about IGPX, you should thank him. Now go waste someone else's time.

I'm looking to take my music to the next level, but beyond social media, bandcamp and tunecore I have no clue what to do next. How should I promote my album and what would get me a lot of attention? Any help would be appreciated.

Fundamentally the thing that might get your music attention is to work very hard on it for a long time until it's really really good. Then share it in all the places you mentioned, and try to make connections at local clubs or with local promoters to play shows, wherever and whenever you can, and further hone your craft. Eventually, if your music is good, I believe you will get noticed. Good luck!
Liked by: z

I've often wondered, which Gundam series did the best aside from Gundam Wing and which did the worst?

Sketch1984’s Profile PhotoSketch
G Gundam or Gundam SEED are tied for the best after Gundam Wing. 0080 did the worst.

Would you consider putting Toonami on Friday nights? Toonami Friday nights can play repeats of the shows on Saturday nights. I don't have DVR and I don't have time sometimes on Saturday to stay up late.

MichaelPhipps839’s Profile PhotoMichael Phipps
Nope, sorry.

Do you prefer school life comedies/drama or workplace comedies/drama shows?

I guess "workplace?" Never cared about shit to do with school, even when I was in it.


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