
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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So what's it like knowing you are one of the people who helped popularize anime in North America? Do you ever get giddy from a fans perspective like I helped get this shit popular lol

Haha no, not really. It does allow me to laugh though when trolls call Toonami a "cancer" or whatever. I have so many stories from people about how Toonami was their intro to anime, I'll never worry my work didn't have an impact on the art.
Liked by: Alex J

Is it strange that I enjoy violence and physically beating my opponent in a fight? I was talking to a friend who felt the same way and he assured me that lots of people enjoy fighting and there was nothing wrong with it. Are these feelings okay?

Well the impulse towards violence is a very human one, though it's a destructive one too. If you're a boxer etc then I think these feelings are okay. If you're just, like, picking fights and beating people up, then they aren't and you might want to talk to someone about your anger. As a person with an admitted fascination with violence, I can sort of see where you're coming from. But to actually ENJOY hurting someone who hasn't hurt you... man you gotta watch that. Good luck.

Do you believe in the notion that most normal people will have some true asshole moments in their lives and it's only in facing the fallout of what a shitty person they were that they learn certain lessons they could never learn any other way?

Christian Villagomez
No. I believe most normal people are asshole and will never fully come to grips with it.
Liked by: Alex J

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What was the last movie that truly scared you?

Man it's been a long long time. Believe it or not, THE GRUDGE shook me pretty good. I'm not even sure why, but at a very visceral level some of the surreal imagery in that film scared me. I'm talking about the US version too! I was totally taken by surprise.
Liked by: Sketch

Who came up with the artwork for the singles program this year? The designs and egg motif are really damn cool.

All of that art is created by the very talented design group at Adult Swim. They are, and I say this without hyperbole, geniuses.

Everytime Pre'-Flight starts, there is a song playing? Any chance on what that song is?

That is a song by my favorite artist, Burial. Can't remember the name but I believe it's from his first, self-titled album.

I know that Toonami had a music podcast with yourself. What ever happened to it?

I got tired of it, and the network wasn't happy with it, so we killed it. It was called "Music Bros" and then "Williams Street Music Club."

How would your life be different if you decided to go to a different college?

If I wasn't in Savannah, I wouldn't have met Sean Akins, wouldn't have gotten a job at TNT, and wouldn't have created Toonami with him, so.... pretty different!

teen titans gets good ratings because people like me leave their tv on all day with it on, and leaving AS on after falling asleep after King of the Hill.

No, anon, that's not how it works.
Liked by: Leo Mathews

So there's no way that Star Wars 7 could possibly be any worse than episode 1, right?

Doubtful but one never knows! JJ is hardly the mark of quality, but we'll see.

I just bought myself my first blu-ray player (ever). What movies would you recommend I pick up that are "must haves"?

10. WALL-E
Are all great Blu-Rays.

Every time Adult Swim comes on, my mom asks me "what the hell am I watching?" and "this stuff is really weird" Keep up the good work!

Will do!
Liked by: Alex J

Why do you think Tenchi GXP did so poorly on the block? I thought everyone loved Tenchi!?

I think mostly because they felt mislead, since TENCHI himself wasn't the main character. Just my guess.

Even as a little kid I never watched Toonami on Kids WB. I knew it was an impostor!! You guys were the real deal.

Ha thanks.

Why do some people always have to shame others for liking WWE and other wresting shows. They say "It's not real!" and "It's totally fake!" but no one says anything about all the other "fake" tv shows. Why does only wrestling get called out?

I dunno, I don't even care for wrestling and even I'm tired of that. Everyone knows it's fake- doesn't mean it doesn't require athleticism beyond what any normal person can provide.

It's crazy but I actually get really, super nostalgic everyday right at 5PM because that was when DBZ came on toonami. Like I said it only happens specifically at 5 O'clock. This has been going on for a number of years. Do you think I have a problem?

I dunno, seems like much of your generation has intense feelings of nostalgia, so I'd say you're not alone!

Should Cartoon Network change its name to the "Teen Titans Go Channel"?

Yes how dare they play something that pulls ratings, insane how that works. Vote with your eyeballs anon, tv is a democracy.

I'm having a bar mitzvah in NYC in a couple months. Do you happen to know any artists who are good and recommend? My parents are willing to spend up to 100,000 on performers. Is that good enough to book Drake or Jay Z or Rihanna?

I mean I gotta ask- can't your parents blow 100k in a better way? LOL.
Anyway, 100k won't even get Jay or Rihanna out of bed. To have them play your bar mitzvah you'd need about 20x that, minimum. No joke.
For 100k you might get someone like Young Thung, Rae Sremmurd, or even maybe a Diplo DJ set (doubtful but maybe?). You can get Danny Brown. Guys like that. Jidenna. Jason Derulo. Etc etc. Good luck with you party!
Liked by: Alex J

Any chance you were ever able to meet any of the guest stars on Rick and Morty? Would've been amazing if you met Stephen Colbert or Werner Herzog

Nope I wish. I'd love to meet Herzog.
Liked by: Alex J

Top 3 songs on What a Time To Be Alive?

"Diamonds Dancing," "Change Locations," "Jumpman." Also love "30 For 30 Freestyle."

what's your opinion on the CunninLynguists? personally think they are one of the most underrated groups ever (their name probably hurts them there) and one of best discogs in all of hip hop.

I completely agree. Super nice dudes too. MAD underrated.


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