
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Have you read Hugh Howey Post-Apocalyptic Silo Series?

Yeah it's trash. Maybe it'll make a good movie but good lord what a boring book.

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Do you wish you were workin on the IGPX DVD instead of Jose?

No! I have no desire to work on a remaster, and I'm very thankful for what Jose is doing.
Liked by: Tom Sketch

There was an ANNcast about Code Geass this week and some fans on twitter got really upset at the host's dismissal of fansubs. Do you think fansubs played an important role in popularizing Code Geass? Would you have broadcasted it if it wasn't heavily fansubed?

Fansubs have never been a factor for us at all when choosing a show, positive or negative. I think fansubs are only appropriate if the title isn't released in the U.S., and there's no announced PLAN for it to be released in the U.S.. Otherwise, wait like a normal person.

Why so many marathons this year? Would it be so problematic to just run the regular line-up some of those holiday weekends? Do you really think your audience wont show up for the regular line-up?

We know for a fact that during holidays, people watch less TV. Therefore it doesn't make sense to blow new episodes, which cost money, on holidays. Every network does this same thing. We tried mixing it up with movies, but they cost money and didn't pull enough ratings either. Marathons don't cost us much and they pull a decent enough rating. TV is a democracy in which the viewers vote with their eyeballs, and they have voted against movies.

Is highschool hard?

It can be. It's definitely not always fun. You're going to learn a lot about social dynamics, you're going to (hopefully) learn a lot of good stuff and some useless stuff in school, and probably start a romance. Be excited!
Liked by: Michael Warming

I believe since Turner is under a union. Is union better than non union? Do you believe that paying a union fee to get to a union based job is worth it? Im storyboard artist from New York I am under agency and I am think joining a union. I Know union jobs pay better. Thank you answering Jason

Turner works with both union and non union talent. As to whether or not to join a union, it's an individual choice. There are many benefits to joining, but there is also some degree of downside. In a union, you will have health benefits, pay and work hour guarantees, and rules that protect you in place. OUTSIDE of a union, you will not have dues to pay, and you will be able to take a wider variety of jobs. I know people who prefer each scenario. Generally, people IN a union cost more and thus your exposure to new clients can be limited. However, if you work OUTSIDE a union that can limit your exposure in other ways, and you might run into a scenario where you are exploited. Like anything, there are good and bad sides to it. Good luck.

So I just watched an old interview video with you & Sean Akins just after Toonami's first end, Sean definitely seemed more like the extrovert while you were the introvert. Looking back, how would you describe the work chemistry you guys had? Did it work out for the best?

Sean was the boss at that time and I was just letting the boss talk. I never wanted nor expected to be the "face" of Toonami. I'm generally a person who enjoys being OUT of any sort of spotlight, believe it or not. Once Sean decided to leave, someone had to step up. Our chemistry was great, he hired wonderful people and built a team that still exists today. But he got bored and decided to move on, and he's happily working elsewhere now and I wish him well.
Liked by: John

Why are you guys the ones who cut together the advertisements for Toonami? I thought advertising was the networks responsibility.

Haha who you think we work for son? My job title is "Vice President of Adult Swim On-Air." My department makes ALL of the commercials for Adult Swim, among other things. We *are* the network.

When you say Toonami is always in bidding wars for shows broadcasting rights, who’s your competition? It shouldn't be networks because as for a I know Toonami is the only networks that airs older demographic anime. It just distribution companies? just wondering

Every single streaming company, some distributors, a wide range of people.
Liked by: Sketch

Greetings Jason. I'm a television major who is almost graduating and I just wanted to say thank you very much for inspiring me constantly. I think it says a lot about yourself when you still remain so close to the fans of the block and provide great wisdom whenever somebody needs it. Don't change!

Thanks! Happy to have inspired anyone at all. Good luck with your career!

What do you think of the band Tortoise? I think John McEntire is a genius. Not to mention he's gone on to do work for Stereolab, Bright Eyes, Nightmares on Wax, Yo La Tengo, Shellac, Blur, Broken Social Scene, Modest Mouse, Teenage Fanclub, Coldcut, Spoon, Jandek, Jim O'Rourke, etc.

I like Tortoise aight and yeah McEntire has an impressive resume, but his work generally leaves me cold. IT's not his fault- generally, formal/technical excellence combines with a sort of musician-tic noodling that doesn't do anything for me. Sorry.

Do you like Dinosaur Jr

I like the first three albums a lot, "Green Mind" is aight, after that I got off the boat. "You're Living All Over Me" and "Bug" are all time classics though.

If I may make a suggestion, here's an idea for a Toonami speech; mistakes. How to overcome them, and learn from them instead of letting them haunt you.

This is a really great suggestion and we may in fact do that. Thanks so much!

To be fair, I'm sure a lot of us anime fans subconsciously dig the Metal Gear Solid story cause it shares a lot of the same traits as Shonen does. (ps. as far as I'm concerned, the series ended with MGS4)

Christian Villagomez
I'm an anime fan and I don't dig it. The story is quintessentially Japanese in its telling, I'll agree. But it's always been a convoluted, unfocused mess, and for me it gets in the way of the gameplay, which is the real reason to be excited about Metal Gear. I mean jeez, a 90 MINUTE opening prologue cinema?? Insane!


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