
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Not to put words in that anon's mouth but I think that, since you guys advertise Toonami as running from 12-3:30, he or she is yet another of the "Why is Toonami being shortened?!" crowd, despite, what, two weeks of you assuring people that's not the case?

Jesus it's getting annoying.

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Why is Toonami running from 12:30-3 now

It's been that way for a long time. The reason you didn't know before now is that you probably weren't watching, which is understandable since the back half of the block was filled with reruns that weren't pulling good enough numbers. Now, we're doing much better. We're happy with a 12-3 block.

WHY ARE YOU GUYS SHORTENING TOONA- Just kidding. I'm looking to get into electronic music. Which artist(s) would you recommend as a good starting place.

Man this is a really broad question that's hard to answer without more direction! Absent more context I'd just say some of my favorites in the very broad "electronic music" genre include: Aphex Twin, Burial, Boards of Canada, Four Tet, Jon Hopkins, Autechre (start w/early stuff), Bjork, Daft Punk, Kraftwerk, Orbital, Squarepusher, Underworld, Massive Attack.
Liked by: Alex J A M

I know this is unconventional, but could I please request to speak with you after the Toonami panel/ autograph session at DragonCon? I'm planning on attending the panel but I thought it'd be less random if I asked you here than if I showed up and asked you there.

I'll be hanging out for autographs after the panel, just come up and say hi!
Liked by: John

I'm approaching my junior college year as an audio engineer and music production student. For one of my classes this summer I had to type a paper on what in the music industry I wanted to pursue. Sounds weird but I typed a 7 page paper on creating instrumentals for AS Bumps.Is there a way to submit?

If you want to get your music on the air, send me a link to it on Twitter. If I like it, I'll reach out!
Liked by: John

Is Adult Swim holding off newer shows from international broadcast? Pretty much all international versions of Adult Swim seem to be stuck in 2007 and not airing any newer original shows.

All of those decisions are made by their individual territories, not AS proper.
Liked by: John

....but it's not what I want to be doing. There are opportunities out there, but they are literally across the country win places like Seattle and Pittsburgh. But I struggle to leave behind my mom, dad, sister, brothers etc. Any advice on that sort of thing?

I left my family thousands of miles behind to do my current work, so I get you. You have to decide if you want that career badly enough to miss them. If you don't feel passionately about making your way elsewhere, I wouldn't bother leaving your family.

I'm torn between taking jobs that would take me out of state, and staying close to home and working chappy run of the mill jobs. I went to school for cyber security, but haven't done anything with it, as there are almost no jobs in that field here in Florida. I work for a bank now, which is fine....

answer in part two.

Hey Jason, so I am completely in love with this girl I work with. We have a lot in common, talk for hours, she makes me feel great, and every good is better with her. Problem is she is married, and older then me. There is so much more to this (I think she likes me too) but b/c of the word count I...

I'm gonna give you an important piece of advice here: do NOT mess with a married person. Ever. Besides being socially unacceptable and morally wrong, it's just a recipe for heartbreak and mess. If you and she really love one another, she can get a divorce and do this right. Otherwise, this is not only wrong, it's a mess and it's going to break your heart. Again, for the cheap seats: DO NOT MESS WITH MARRIED PEOPLE. PERIOD. Good luck.

Would the price value for Peter Cullen to voice a promo be in the hundred thousands?

It would be priceless, since he's completely retired from promo making and only does Eeyore and Optimus Prime at this point.
Liked by: John Michael Warming

Hate to ask you toonami questions on here bet it gets annoying but i was just curious , at dragon con will we be getting the way intruder 2 will be shown? I know its over 5 weeks but i mean like will it be a straight shot or maybe a minute per commercial break?

We'll be laying that out at Dragon Con.
Liked by: Duelist

Does Toonami take place in the same universe as Space Ghost Coast to Coast?

Yes, which means it also takes place in universe of several other shows!
Liked by: Michael Morse

Do you support the right to "Bear-Arms"?

I get asked this like clockwork after every mass shooting, which sadly occurs often. As a person who's lived through the experience of getting shot at with an automatic weapon, and having my home broken into twice and my car, and my friends' houses, etc etc, I feel safer owning my guns. I basically keep them locked up and use them for target practice, which is fun, but I don't believe in any bullshit "gun culture." I think the gun lobby is despicable and predatory and misrepresents a lot of people. I'd also like to see WAY tighter restrictions on who gets to own/keep guns and why, and I'd like to think that's an achievable goal in the U.S. Facts are facts: other industrialized nations with very firm gun laws do not experience the gun violence we do here in the U.S. That's not an accident.
Liked by: John Claire Ronnie Lee

In your PERSONAL opinion, do you find it at all "weird" that Toonami runs for 3 1/2 hours and not say, 4?

No, why would I.


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