
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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What time is Game Humpers tomorrow? I would love to give you and Gill some advice on how to play.

11am et!

How did you play Spirited away on Toonami? It's not an action film?

It's got plenty of action in it! Sorceresses battling flying dragons is action" to me.
Liked by: Duelist Matthew

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In the late 80's, it's said that not only did Dave Mustaine nearly convince Cliff Barton to leave Metallica to join Megadeth, but he nearly got the Abbott brothers to leave Pantera. Would this resulting band, if it happened, been as great as it seems on paper, or would it not have worked?

I dunno man it sure SEEMS like it would have been amazing.

so does this mean Inturder 2 is not in October ?:((((

We will announce the Intruder premiere date in the coming weeks.
Liked by: John

Out of the Outkast albums, what are your top 3? (Mine are 1. ATLiens, 2. Stankonia, and 3. Aquemini)

ATLiens, Aquemeni, Stankonia.

My step father tried to stab me so I stabbed in leg first. He was abusive and tried to choke and punch me and my mom allot. The police are on their way. I'm scared does this mean life is over and I'm gonna a criminal record and go to juvie? Any advice?

Whoa whoa whoa; if this is REAL, just sit tight. Things have obviously gotten out of hand and it's definitely time for the police to step in. I don't know if you're going to end up with time in juvenile detention, but either way, just realize that you can make it out of this. Stabbing someone is not the way though, even though it sure sounds like you were pushed beyond your breaking point. I'm sorry I don't have much to offer, I'd need to know much more about your situation to give you any real advice!
Liked by: John

"Can't see why an adult human would get into it though." Clearly you've never played it then. Also, the word "human" is pretty unnecessary in that sentence.

I've played it, anon tryhard. I disagree; you'll love. Go bitch somewhere else, I don't give a shit.

I'm 14 dating this girl and I live in Manhattan NY and so does she but her dad got a job in LA and it looks like she is gonna be moving. Thoughts on long distance relationships? Do you think it can still work?

You're 14. You've got your whole life ahead of you. I don't see why you can't just try to be friends, you're very young for a cross country commitment! That's a lot of work without much upside. Anyway, that's my opinion. Good luck!
Liked by: Kyle D.K.

I saw where you said that you didn't expect another anime boom despite it's popularity in the states. Does that mean you're seeing a decline in the popularity of anime? or that's it's simply found a niche group to which it's popularity will stay? thanks for reading my q!

I don't know if it's in decline any more, I just don't see it blowing up beyond the niche it's in. The fandom is too insular and there's no one showing it to a broad audience anymore, besides us.
Liked by: John

Thoughts on Splatoon? Is Nintendo's first major venture into the shooting genre a hit or a miss?

It's a fun game for kids. Can't see why an adult human would get into it though.

This Definitely may be to personal, but are there any candidates running for president, that you could see as a good president?

Don't talk politics here, sorry.
Liked by: John

Why are many Anime Fans so aggressively hostile to more casual viewers? I know this exists in other fandoms to a lesser extent, but I have NEVER seen hatred and anger like that was like what my friend received after she told some super-fans she liked Cowboy BeBop.

This is one of the worst traits in modern anime fandom, I think, and one that should ALWAYS be called out as shitty. Modern anime fandom is filled with Weeabos who race to be the first to see every show so they can tell anyone who hasn't seen them yet what's good and what isn't. These people display a lack of inclusiveness and openness that's pathetic and limiting, and believe me- it's always more about their insecurities than any external reality. Ignore them. There are anime fans who will open up to you and try to point you to the good stuff, believe me. Fuck those haters, look for the people who love the medium enough to welcome NEW fans. Those are the folks who are worth talking to. Good luck.

ever sexually experiment with the toilet?

Unless defecating in it can be construed as sexual experimentation, no.
Liked by: #Sam

So I was watching nick toons last night and they were advertising for tmnt movies and the voice over guy said 'The revolution will be televised.' Wonder where they got that smooth line from...

Bob smith
Ha probably from the Gil-Scot Heron book tbh, that's where we stole it!
Liked by: Brendan B. Duelist A M

What do you think of the comic book Writer, Brian Micheal Bendis saying that Peter Parker's story can't relate to people who are non white?

I know what he means. He's oversimplifying, but I get where he's coming from.

See the straight outta compton film?

Not yet. I don't care for biopics, generally. I'll most likely wait for video.

If Adult Swim broadcasts a program with a licensed song in it, such as Family Guy using "Surfin' Bird," does that permit you guys to use the song in promos?

It can, but not always. This is referred to as "in context" use.
Liked by: corey barnes


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