
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Probably been asked already but do you know if AS accepts unsolicited pitches? What's the email to get in contact with them?

There is no email but you can mail your pitch to:
Adult Swim Show Development
1065 Williams Street
Atlanta, GA 30309
Liked by: Sketch

Have you ever seen Megazone 23, Vampire Hunter D, Bubblegum Crisis, Dirty Pair, or Wicked City? I really enjoy anime from that era.

Seen em all. That's the stuff I grew up with.
Liked by: Alex J

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Did you like Beast Wars? Was my gateway into Toonami.

Not really. But I'm glad it got hit into Toonami!

What are your thoughts on GTA 5?

Not even close to the best GTA, but a really fun game. The story was waaaay too long and self-indulgent for me, but of course the gameplay was too notch. Have zero interests in heists after they blew the initial launch.

Do you think we're living in a virtual world a la Matrix? Do you ever question "reality'?

Nah. I think that sort of intellectual exercise never leads anywhere and is in fact one of the first gateways to madness. Not for me.

How do I make myself to lose weight? I want to have a six pack for summer and attract all the girls, but I just can't force myself...

Well you have to figure out a way to force yourself. You might try a calorie counting app, that will help you keep track of the calories you are taking in when eating, and burning when working out. Set yourself a realistic goal and it's a bit easier. Good luck!

Hey Mr. DeMarco, you might not remember but a couple months ago, I asked you for advice to get into AP English. Well my teacher recommended me for Honors (Pre-AP) English. Thanks for the advice you gave

Awesome! Glad it worked out!

You don't seem to talk about comedy films a lot. Do you just think the one's that've been coming out are bad?

I don't like most comedies, I'm picky about comedy. 90% of mainstream comedies are terrible, and indie comedy has a ratio that's almost as bad. Last comedies I liked were 22 JUMP STREET and THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL.
Liked by: Claire

how is it that chris brown still has a career?

If you can sing and dance well, you can get away with almost anything in America.

Would it be alright if I use Deep Jinx by Two Fingers in my fan made video to be sent to you guys?


What do you think of the Internet community making Bartkira?

I absolutely adore Bartkira, it's incredible.

Any intention of seeing Ride in 2015? Probably the best reunion show I've witnessed in the last 10 years or so.

No. Don't care to see a ride reunion show.

Was it your intention to run the RTJ "Early" video uncensored on-air but play the censored version on Pre-Flight and Facebook?

We didn't play the censored version on Pre-Flight. And we were given no choice but to put a censored version on Facebook. Since it was just one word, we really weren't worried about it.
Liked by: John 〽️➰

Do you think interest in Toonami has waned? Obviously nothing as hyperbolic as "Toonami is dying!", but do you think there are less people interested now than there were a year or two ago?

Not according to ratings, thankfully!
Liked by: Steven Oz

If you could read the minds of any animal, would that probably stop you from wanting to eat them for food?


Since it was in the rise of the Electronic Dance Music era, did you and the Toonami crew ever consider or look at TOM 1 and 2 as like a dance video mascot or DJ? (i've always wanted to know since youth)

Ha no, not really. We've just always done what we do now... try to work with musicians whose work we enjoy, and promote good hip hop, electronic music, and experimental music.

Aphex Twin released a ton of unreleased material on Soundcloud, then u-Ziq, now Lone is doing it. Are there any artists that you would love to see do this?


(Prev) ... And these people kept calling me the n-word and saying i'm slutty trash and I don't "understand feminism" it really upset me. I'm female too which really hurts me that other females are saying all these things. I just don't know what to think about any of this :/

You don't need to agree with everything Anita Sarkeesian or anyone else says about anything. Feminism, like any "ism," is a huge rich vein of thought and philosophy that varies from person to person. It means something different to everyone. And THAT means you may not agree with some people's opinions even though they are labeled as a feminist. That's okay! As long as you're respectful, there shouldn't be an issue. Now, it must be said- tumblr is not a place you are going to find nuanced discussion, nor a place where you should be looking for it. So if you're going to Miss Sarkeesian's tumblr and posting replies saying you disagree, be prepared for some jerks to respond. There are assholes on both sides of every argument. So: think what you think, and as long as you're treating people respectfully, demand the same from them. Anyone who resorts to name calling, you should be done talking to. You're not going to get anywhere with a person like that. Good luck!

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