
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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So... wow, that Bhi Bhiman music video. I have zero idea why the people at [as] decided to throw that in the middle of an Attack on Titan rerun, seemingly entirely unannounced, but I liked it. So I guess I can thank you peeps for yet another cool Toonami surprise, keeping the block fresh.

Blatch0’s Profile PhotoGordon

Do you like Trance? and if so, whats your favorite era/decade of it?

I am not a huge Trance fan. I think Trance is best experienced in a live setting with lots of other people.

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How do you think about Shield by Shawn Ryan? Have you seen it?

I liked it, did not love it. It feels super early 2k TV when you watch it now. Overall though it had some great characters, great arcs, and though it was messy it was never dull. Great ending too.

If I sent you Mississippi State shirt would you rock it?

Definitely not. I don't rock the shirt of my OWN school, would certainly not rock yours! Thanks for the offer though.

Who are the main narrators for the CN bumps and promos? They're still the same since you've left.

I don't know, sorry.

Is it okay for me to see the new Mad Max before the old ones?

You don't need to have seen the previous "Max" films to be able to enjoy the new one at all. But it will add thematic richness to the experience.
Liked by: zar

how have you been liking GOT season 5 so far?

I haven't been enjoying it as much as previous seasons so far. I'm not bummed they're finally going off book, but I don't care for some of the choices they made, like (spoiler alert) killing off Ser Barristan, and especially marrying Sansa to the Bastard of Bolton. They need to do better.

Any chance you will share your thoughts with us on the Mad Men series finale/a look back on the series as a whole?

I thought the Mad Men finale was great. It makes sense that even after all that Don went through, he would simply turn his epiphany into a commercial, as he did with "The Wheel" in season one. Don has gradually changed over the course of the show, but those changes have never stopped him from repeating the same mistakes. Matt Weiner doesn't believe people can truly change, not drastically. I felt the Peggy/Stan thing somehow both made sense AND felt oddly "shipped," but I'm not unhappy about it. Strange that of all the characters, Pete Campbell seems to be one of the only ones that has actually grown and learned lessons (somewhat).
As for the show itself, I place it in the canon with The Wire, The Sopranos, Breaking Bad etc as one of the great modern dramas. I loved how every episode felt like a short story and how nothing was easy or simple about the show. The acting, photography, music, and writing were always top notch. It's in my top ten of all time and the ending works as well as anything in the show ever did. Well done, Matt Weiner.

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Favorite mangas you ever read? Are you reading any right now?

Lone Wolf & Cub, Phoenix, Buddha, Dragon Ball, Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Scott Pilgrim, and many more. Reading Gundam: The Origin now.

Have you seen "Exit through the Gift Shop"? If so, how much do you suppose is true / made up? Do you think Banksy is played by an actor?

spacejam2539’s Profile PhotoAlex J
I like it, and I think 100% of it is made up.
Liked by: Alex J

Do you think it's weird to call something a "TV Show" if it only airs online?

Nah it's just a general rather than strictly functional descriptor nowadays, like "mixtape."

Is aqua teen really canceled or is just a joke? My friend doesn't belevive you. If this is for reals, why?

It's for real. After 15 years, everybody is just ready.

Do you ever watch live concerts at home?

Nah. I don't see the point, generally. Live music is about being there, in the moment. Feel the same way about watching sports, really.

You have been given a giant robot for you only, but there are no Godzillas, what'll you likely do with it now?

Build another giant robot with it, and fight it!
Liked by: Student no.0


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