
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Do you like to read any True Crime books?

Not many. I did read that Columbine book, which was great, and I read The Devil In the White City.

If you could nominate one show for the best cinematography in TV history, what would it be?

Hmm that would be a tie between Breaking Bad, Hannibal, and Mad Men. TV has never looked better than it does today.
Liked by: Claire

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Jason do you recommend I go commute to University or get a dorm?

I recommend a dorm. Close proximity to other students and all the community a dorm affords are a good thing for a freshman. After the first year, you may want to look into off campus housing. Good luck!

How do you feel about The Residents?

I've always respected them more than been a fan. I don't connect with their music but I like their presence.

I'm Working on an animated trailer for a series I have written. If I can get it into your hands and assuming its the most amazing thing you've ever seen, any chance of it being the next Toonami Exclusive?

Never say never!

Have you heard/played of a indie horror game called Five Nights at Freddy's? If you have, what are your thoughts about it?

I did play it, didn't really care for it. I don't really get what all the fuss is about, tbh.
Liked by: Tom

are you a fan of any ambient artists like Brian Eno, Gas, Tim Hecker, etc.?

Yep! I put Tim Hecker on the last Adult Swim Singles Program in fact.

What made you ultimately want to study Film and Video in college?

A lifelong and abiding interest in storytelling.

Have you seen Avengers: Age of Ultron? If so did you like it?

I tweeted about it a bunch already, just scroll through my twitter feed, you'll find it.
Liked by: death gun

I just want to say that Cartoon Network/AdultSwim is basically what I love most in life. I enjoy cartoons and comics and music and a lot of the stuff I'm into is because of you guys. I follow a few storyboard artist and you on Twitter and seeing y'all's tweets are great. Thank you so much

Thanks, much appreciated!

Why do you still air family guy despite the show literally only basing its humor off of racist jokes and making fun of people with depression? Its kinda offensive. And ironic considering most of you are against that type of "humor".

"Literally" is being used wrong here. I'm not defending the content of Family Guy, or any show I don't make personally. But Adult Swim is a business and Family Guy is a huge ratings smash that has enabled virtually every other show on Adult Swim to exist. So maybe think about it this way: if you don't like FG that's fine, but if you DO like Rick & Morty, for example- that show is only on Adult Swim BECAUSE of the success of Family Guy.

my parents are retiring and moving to Dubai! I'm gonna be living with my siblings, until I'm off to university. I'm kind of scared and nervous as to how I'm gonna be able to survive without them. any advice?

You'll be okay. Not sure why your parents are moving away before you're out of the house, but you'll be with your siblings, so I think you'll make it! I'm assuming they are helping you out financially, and if you don't have to worry about that, it's just emotional support- and they're only a phone call or FaceTime away. It's not going to be easy at first, but you'll get used to it! You're just being asked to grow up a little sooner. Good luck.

What do you think of this new trend of people stepping on/walking over the american flag in protest to Racism?

I think there are way better, more effective methods of protest. At the same time, I can't imagine caring about a flag. It's a piece of cloth. Who cares.

thoughts on saint vincent?

I like her and respect her, and she can totally rip and is a wonderful live performer- but I find her music too angular and cerebral to get into, at least on record.

What are your thoughts about dubstep?

I liked dubstep before it became EDM, but j also like a lot of EDM artists. I'm good with it. I think it's cultural moment may be beginning to wane, and we'll see if it evolves and how, but I still like a lot of the music.
Liked by: Enemy Otaco

Favorite hood dramas?


What would be a nice good luck gift to give to a friend taking an AP test in a few days?

The best gifts aren't about money, they're about how well you know your friend and their likes and dislikes. Get your friend something you know they like, even if it's just a cupcake.
Liked by: Claire


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