
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm not the greatest at school, I am horrible at math and it really showed on my SAT. People tell me I'm very smart. My grades don't show it though failing math & chem hurt gpa. I'm really discouraged from going to college. I'm afraid I can't keep up cause my grades say I'm dumb. Advice?

Sounds more like your issue is either studying/focus or perhaps you're just not as smart in those areas. I myself am horrible at math, so I ended up convincing my principal in high school to let me skip the final year of math and do double art instead. Perhaps you could try a magnet school of some sort? Or have you considered a tutor? They can really help. Don't be discouraged. Having a hard time in school is something a LOT of people struggle with, and it has nothing to do with how smart you are! It's about identifying what Jodie having trouble with and trying to figure out how to mitigate that. You'll get there. Stay positive!
Liked by: Claire

I'm 18 now and it's been difficult for me cause everyone expects me to know what I want to do with my life, I don't know. All I know is that I want a degree in a job that I really enjoy. I'm so lost any advice for finding what exactly I was ment to do in this world?

I get this question a lot, and I'd advise you to take a look at what you're good at, and what you're interested in. If there's one thing that checks both boxes, that's a possible career path. If you can't find anything that checks both boxes, narrow it down to just what you're good at. Look at that skill set and extrapolate what careers can come out of said skill. Talk with friends, family, and career counsellors about options. Then, put one foot in front o the other and start down a path. Most people have several different careers over the course of their lives, so you've got time to figure it out! Good luck!
Liked by: corey barnes

man, i'm in a rut. i'm a junior in highschool who likes coding and making beats. i have no idea what to do for college. i'm probably gonna end up majoring in computer science, but i still want to make music and possibly make a career out of it. wat do mr. demarco

If you enjoy coding and making beats, no reason you can't go to college for computer science, where you will learn to code much better and pick up a bunch of other skills that can lead to a lucrative and successful career. In the mean time, make beats when you feel like it! Eventually perhaps either one can become a career. I'd look at it that way. Good luck.

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How did you link up with Stones Throw?

I reached out to them around the time the first Quasimoto record came out.

(guy that asked if you ever had to deal with apathy/lethargy) If you did, do you have any advice on how to cope with it? Going to the doctor soon to see if I have ADHD since I was tested a lot when I was younger but managed to pass negative since I seem to be able to focus only when it is vital.

I'm sorry, I've never really had that problem. But I'd say that if you feel like it's bad enough for you to try to see a doc and get a diagnosis, maybe you should also consider meeting with a therapist? Your lack of motivation can come from either internal or external forces in your life, and maybe taking a little time to focus on what those causes might be (ADHD or otherwise) court help you figure it out. Good luck!

As a person that has really high ambition and goals but severely suffers from apathy and lethargy, I'm just curious if you have ever had to deal with it, especially growing up/becoming an adult? I'm in college right now and I'm getting my ass beat with a lack of true motivation.

Answer in part two.

Have you ever met someone that makes you feel awkward? As in, your personality is do different from theirs that everything you say just feels awkward and weird?

Sort of, for sure. We've all felt awkward around people at certain times.

Unfortunately Edward Snowden is thinking about returning home. Edward wants to return home to the USA but he has one condition. A fair trial! which I highly doubt that you'll get one. If Edward does return home do you think you'll get a fair trial?

KevinJKindel’s Profile PhotoThe KJK!
He will absolutely NOT get a fair trial.
Liked by: The KJK!

Any advice on resisting temptation, I'm currently with this one girl but another girl who KNOWS im in a relationship is pushing the boundaries of friendship, She's a nice girl, I don't want to lose her friendship but friday at school she lightly grabbed my area. should I tell my girl? advice

If you're asking me, you're already in trouble with your relationship. If you were truly committed, you would have told this other girl to respect your privacy and your person and moved on. Instead, you're asking me for advice. I'd say either decide you want to be with the person you are dating and stop fucking around, or let her go and play the field. Can't have it both ways. Good luck.

What are your thoughts on Alabama Shakes?

I love her voice but the music itself is soooo pedestrian/boring to me. I don't think they are for me.

Did you ever expect amiibos to get really big? what are your thoughts on them

I have no thoughts on Amiibos.

so many people in their late 20s / 30s seem to be stuck romanticizing the 90s and i find it kind of annoying. how do you feel about that?

Nostalgia is an epidemic these days, and I truly believe it's a reaction to how fast the world is moving all around us. More and more, people seem to be interested in looking backwards to a time they feel was simpler & more pure. The problem is, it wasn't. It was just as bad/good as things are now, and nostalgia goggles are a lie that limits us. If we are spending our time looking backward, we can't look forward. A little nostalgia is normal and fine, but the degree to which we are currently drowning in it may be indicative of a larger social decline, and I find that worrisome...

Do you have any advice on enjoying the movie theater? I love the excitement but there's always some jackass in the audience that kills it. For example, at the end of Princess Kaguya some guy said "oh, that's the ending?", and when I went to rewatch GITS a group of weaboos made "witty" commentary.

Not much you can do about that stuff. I try to go to the movies during the day when it's less crowded, and to sit on the aisle. Beyond that, all you can do is take a deep breath and try not to let it bug you.

Why do you dislike Forest Gump? Just curious.

Because it's terribly written, treacly bullshit, with broad ridiculous stereotypes of Southerners, people with mental illness, and just about every major American event of the last forty years. All slathered with the most cloying, telegraphing, baby boomer bullshit soundtrack of any movie in existence. Fuck that movie.

Hi Jason this girl I use to date who broke it off with me is now in a relationship with this guy I know. I don't know why I'm being such a pretty fuck but it irritates that they are dating yet he is a super nice guy. I don't know why I feel such selfish prickish feelings,what's wrong with me?

Jealousy is an ugly emotion but it's totally natural. Just know that it's not positive and shouldn't be shared or acted upon. Think about other things and move your mind away from dwelling on the past. Let them be happy, and find happiness of your own. You'll never be able to do that if you're holding on to negative emotions. Talk to friends or maybe a therapist, get it out, and then move on. Good luck.

What's your thoughts on Edward Snowden?

KevinJKindel’s Profile PhotoThe KJK!
I think what he did was brave and foolhardy. I don't understand why he did it, but I'm glad he did. What our government engaged in and hid from us was wrong, no matter what the reason. We only have proof of it because of his act, for which he will never be allowed to come home.

I just saw this but what is your opinion on g:KND? http://youtu.be/kPni6B2d9QM Also, do you think fan demand will work for a single TV show like this, the same way it did for an entire block like Toonami? I personally feel like Toonami is proof that if enough people want it, it will happen.

teeteredwin’s Profile PhotoEdwin Lopez
Never liked KND, sorry. But it is true that if enough ppl want it, it will happen! Good luck!

My freind tells me that he hates himself. What should I do.

Sit him down and ask why. See if the causes are external or internal. See if his self-hate is real and destructive or just a temporary feeling. If it's destructive, try to get him to talk to friends or family and see a therapist. If it isn't, let him vent and keep an eye on him. I hope he's okay.

I want to start collecting One Piece and Bleach on DVD but there are so many episodes. Would you recommend buying the sets in bulk or one by one and buying the next set once I finished watching one?

I'd go one by one.


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