
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I'm kind of conflicted here, what's the dividing line between being someone being 'entitled' to their own opinion to to one being 'entitled'? I see this so frequently used in many fandoms and communities it just scares me a bit honestly.

I think of an "entitled" fan as a person who feels like they are OWED something by a creator or show or band, etc. There's a difference between liking/not liking someone's art and expecting it to cater to your every whim. These days, a whole lot of modern fandom seems to blur that line, especially in a world where thanks to the internet, you ca build your own echo chamber.
Liked by: Krystal

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Are there any game franchises that you miss that are no longer in development or any one-shot games you want to sequel to? If so, what are they?

I would LOVE another Front Mission game.
Liked by: Duelist Zeether

I know this is oldish news but the new line up promo is so kick ass, that "you're dead" at the end gives me goose bumps every time.

Thanks I'll pass that along!

You think if you guys hashtag #MidnightRun or #expandToonami that it would help Toonami acquire weeknite hours in the future? Like a movement

No, I don't. Your energy is better spent hash tagging shows that are current ON Toonami. Thanks!

I watched the Pre-Flight on biggest fails and I lost it at the Wulin Warriors...I guess you could call that a theme song? Someone obviously did not know what they were thinking when working on that, and I like that you acknowledged the source material.


What TV shows are you currently watching?

Louie, Orphan Black, Better Call Saul, The Jinx, The Americans, Bates Motel, The Walking Dead, Hannibal, True Detective, Fargo, Broad City, Girls, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver, Vice News, Veep, Silicon Valley, Doctor Who, Black Mirror, Mad Men, Fortitude, Justified, Homeland, Bloodlines, House of Cards are all shows I watch/have been watching.

This weeks pre-flight where you talked about the different dubs of One Piece and briefly Doraemon got me wondering, since for most Toonami generation anime fans this is before our time (even though you did play it) what exactly is the difference between Robotech and Macross? Is it a similar deal?

Kind of a similar deal but much more complicated. Go to the Robotech wikipedia and it's all laid out there. Basically, they edited three totally different shows into one show. I grew up with Robotech so I have a fondness for it, but it's kind of a mess.

I moved recently, but not for myself. I feel like I moved too early and wish I stayed to at least finish school in my old city. I have a place to stay there, great friends, and can easily get back into my school. Is this an awful idea or should I go back until I can leave on my own terms?

Finishing school is always a good idea. I'm not sure why you moved away, but there's no shame in moving back!

What's your favorite anime? Has it / will it ever air on Toonami and/or [adult swim]? Thanks in advance.

My favorite anime has aired on Adult Swim.

If I could get a clarification O' Lich King: Last week when you discussed GXP being a fail on Toonami you said that it was mostly fan service/how the show went and Senia being a weak main character. I'm a bit weak on the exacts but could you elaborate a bit more or just restate it? - @AmbientVirus

You pretty much have it. Not sure there's really much more to be said.

I mother texted this to me today "Always tell the truth unless its to protect someone you love". How do you feel about that?

Makes sense.

I know this sounds nitpicky but you mentioned on the Preflight that One Piece stopped airing because 4Kids chose to drop the show. However, you aired an edited version of Funi's dub directly after the last 4Kids-dubbed episode for a short period of time.

You're right, it does sound nit-picky. :)
Liked by: Sketch

I have a friend that has become really interested in the galaxy/universe and the use of crystals in belif in their power. As a christian I view that as witchcraft and the whole thing really just freaks me out. Should I tell him? I don't want to force him to choose me or the crystals. advice?

You have an important decision to make. Does your belief in Christianity trump your love and acceptance of your friend? How important is your friendship, and how rigid are your ideals? No one can make this decision for you.
My two cents, for what it's worth: there is no such thing as witchcraft. So you don't believe in the same thing your friend does, so what? Who is he hurting? Does everyone who believes in something different than you do, deserve damnation? And if you think they do deserve that, what kind of friend are you? Are you only a "friend" to people who think and behave like you do? If so, how do you expect to grow as a person? Do you think Jesus would condemn one of his friends for being into crystals? I certainly don't. If love, compassion and forgiveness were good enough for him, they should be good enough for you, too. Anyway, that's my opinion. Good luck.

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Thinking about giving up on working with others. Too many times, the other person has left me to do everything and disappeared, or they show up after the work's done, asking for credit. You think this is the best way to go?

No, I don't. Unless you're going to be a novelist or something, there's pretty much no job out there that allows you to work totally on your own. People can certainly be disappointing, but if you don't learn how to work with them, you'll never get anywhere. Good luck.


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