
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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If Hollywood were to adapt Blood Meridian into a movie or limited series, who do you think would be best to helm the project?

I don't know if a good film version of that book is really possible, it's got SO much going on, and it's so dark and kaleidoscopic. If anyone could do it, I'd say PT Anderson, the Coens, Andrew Dominik, or maybe John Hillcoat could pull it off. Or even Jonathan Glazer. You need a director who can do a bloody, dirty western, but one who also has a sense of visual poetry and a feel for deep, existential horror. I feel all of the aforementioned directors have those qualities in some form.

What are your techniques to getting jobs and job interviews? You have been employed since childhood so tell us how you did it cause I cant find a job.

Well, I've been working at the same company for 18+ years, so I'm likely a bit out of the loop on this. I would say, the key to getting any job is perseverance. Just essentially showing that a) you're qualified, and b) you really want it. That last one is the hard part. If you want work I think you pretty much have to constantly be on the lookout for new work at all times, hustling until you get the gig you want.

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Do you like any handheld counsels?

You mean, "Consoles?" Yeah, I have a Nintendo 3DS- don't play it as much as I'd like, though!

In your opinion, what makes a good slice of life anime? Do you think writers should go beyond the "cute girls doing cute things" line?

I think they should. I don't have a super strong opinion about what makes a great "slice of life" show, other than compelling characters who are relatable, experiencing real world issues we all face.

What do you think the ending in "Her" meant?

What do you mean? Didn't seem hard to understand, it wasn't like it was ambiguous. She moved on, and he finally moved on. I'm not sure what was confusing, I'm sorry?

Who choose the music for the Toonami bumpers?

Themastermartin’s Profile PhotoThemastermartin
Which week? Usually it's one of the editors, choosing from a library of different music I select and give to them to choose from.

Living in the shadow of an top football recruit (All American) and a scholar athlete older brother, My Parents are at all his games but never show to my baseball games. They don't mean to but they treat him better, People don't even remember my name they call me alex's little brother. Any advice?

Well that sort of imbalance isn't uncommon in families, sad to say. Have you talked with your parents about how their not coming to your games makes you feel? If you don't tell them, you can't be sure you did everything you could to let them know what you need. Once you've done that, if their behavior doesn't change, there's not much you can do. There's a lot of literature on the subject you can find online, though, I'd go there and see if you can find out how others in your situation have dealt with this. I promise, you are not alone. There can be a middle ground where you are happy for your brother but don't feel he's getting the lion's share of your family's love. I'm sure he wants you to find that middle ground, too. Good luck.

Should I go to college or should I sign with a minor league baseball team? A minor league team is offering me a 85,000 dollar signing bonus and performance bonuses and good money but colleges are offering full scholarships. Its difficult for me I am only 18 and need advice?

Well this is a very tough decision, but congrats on all of the offers anyway! You obviously are brimming with talent. I'd say, consult with your friends and family and ultimately, go with your gut. If you plan on having a long career in baseball, the question is: is a minor league contract a better way to start off than a college team? 85k a year is nothing to sneeze at when you're 18, but it's not quite LIFE-CHANGING money. So I'd say if you want to do something OTHER than baseball with your life? Take a scholarship. If you plan on being a pro baseball player at some point, maybe the minor league option makes more sense. I don't know enough about baseball to give you a hard opinion, which is why I think you should discuss this with friends, family and your coach and hear some considered opinions by people who know you. Then, go with your gut. Whatever you choose, give it 1000% and do not look back. Good luck to you!

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So how did you get on FOX 5?

I explained the story on Twitter a couple of days ago, look there. You'll see it.

Are there any characters/franchises that you like from Marvel/DC?

A bunch from both. I just don't care to get into the pissing match of which is better. And I don't care to talk about superheroes, I'm sick of our current culture's obsession with them.

If you were invited to be one of the judges of a music contest TV show, would you accept it?

Nah, unless they gave me a really big ass check.

Your MF DOOM paintings are awesome, man! I'll always be a DOOM fan but can't help but feel that his last great work was DangerDoom. His recent stuff just hasn't been as good or inspired. How do you feel about his recent output? Maybe he needs someone to inspire him again? Maybe Madvillainy 2?

Hm I'm not a big fan of the JJ DOOM stuff but up until that I think he's been solid overall. MM...FOOD is a classic. I hope he comes back around. I love his production.

Can you rate and score all the Final Fantasy games you played?

Uh, no. That's a huge amount of games and a pain in the ass, sorry. My Favs are FF Tactics and FF Tactics Advance, and FF IV, VI and VII.

What are your thoughts on Six Feet Under?

I like the first season or two a lot, and then I think it goes way off the rails, sadly. Alan Ball is kind of a hack.

Do you like superhero movies? Outside of Sam Raimi and Chris Nolan's contribuations, I find them bland as fuck.

I too find them bland as fuck, in general. I like the Nolan Dark Knight movies, also the Raimi Spider-Mans 1 and 2, and X-Men 2. That recent X-Men movie wasn't bad. Generally though, I'm so tired of them all.

There is literally no show in existence that is better than Breaking Bad except maybe The Wire.

This is a 100% subjective argument, but I'd put Sopranos in that league. And if Mad Men wraps it up as well as they have been going, that show too.

Drinking coffee everyday is bad. True or false?

False. Drinking TOO MUCH coffee every day is bad. All things in moderation.


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