
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Were you one of those people that watched jackass when you were younger and thought about doing stunts?

I watched it sometimes but I never thought about replicating their stunts.

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A line from your favorite song

Outside in the cold distance/ a wildcat did growl/ two riders were approaching/ and the wind began to howl
Liked by: Duelist

Why do you think dc comics movies have been doing bad, while the marvel ones are doing well?

I think DC is stuck in a post Nolan framework that hasn’t worked for anything they’ve tried. When Marvel decided to create the MCU, DC naturally saw creating a DC Universe as a next step for them as well. The problem began when they decided to make a “mature” Superman film, giving it to a subpar director who tried to do what Nolan did with his Batman trilogy. It was a doomed idea from the start. It’s no accident that the most critically and commercially successful film in the DCU is Wonder Woman- it’s the only DCU film that allows itself to fully represent the character. When they finally pull away from trying to make superhero movies “gritty,” they’ll start seeing more success...

Do you own any weapons?

Let’s see... I own a Smith & Wesson .357 Magnum revolver, a Mossberg .12 Gauge shotgun, a baseball bat, and a medieval sword. Hahaha.

I don't know if your the right person to ask this to, but when will the adult swim boxes be shipping? I ordered mine around 2 months ago and the only email I've gotten is one saying my payment was successful which was also sent around 2 months ago

I’m sorry, I have no idea. We have very little to do with that box, believe it or not. I believe it ships at the end of the “quarter,” so somewhere around the beginning of December? Again, sorry about that.

This has me thinking if I do something wrong in the field I want to be part of even the slightest, I'll be exempt from it forever and I'll just end it... What do you think I should do if a situation like this arises? (Part 2)

The Chris Savino thing is very simple- respect your co-workers, don’t sexually harass or intimidate women and you’ll be fine. This isn’t any kind of witch hunt. It’s people who have been getting away with being assholes for years, finally getting some comeuppance. Don’t be an asshole and you’ll be fine, it’s that simple.
Liked by: Jacob Knowlton

The whole Chris savino incident has me thinking very deeply (maybe because of my ocd) and its about suicide, you see mr. Savino spent his life working on animation and because of things he did, he is pretty much excluded from companies now because of it (part 1)

Answer in part 2.

Which do you personally prefer, animation or live action?

I️ don’t have a preference. I️ like good storytelling, doesn’t matter what the medium is.

Whatever happened to naming the baby worm on board the vindication?

We did name it. We announced her name. It’s “Georgia.”

Why did toonami air a movie last year (children who chase lost voices) but not this year on daylight savings? Is it because children's who chase lost voices did horribly in ratings?

We just got lucky with that and were able to get it super cheap. Weren’t able to do anything like that this year.
Liked by: Luis Murillo


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