
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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is pizza hut pizza good or bad

I love it but I basically almost shit my pants within 30 minutes of eating it, every time. That seems... Bad??
Liked by: Alex J

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Thanks for everything you do! it's not a question, but I think you're pretty awesome for all the toonami goodness and [AS] goodness.


"Everyone" likes Man of Steel? Who is this "everyone"? Movie seemed very divisive (I'm with you on the "it sucks" side of the divide).

I mean it was a huge massive hit, so....

Hey, do you have any artists you would recommend to fans of toonami music?

Sure, the ones we play on Toonami and their associated labels- Warp, Ninja Tunes, Ghostly, Hyperdub. Good luck!

How was the world different back when you were growing up?

No internet. No cell phones. Very few computers. A lot more smokers.

What's your personal favorite episode of Twin Peaks?

Hmmm probably episodes 8&9, which are really one long ep, and Lynch's finest hour on the show. Either that or episode 14, where Leland kills Maddie. Some horrifying and indelible imagery in that episode has stuck with me for years.

What was high school like for you?

I went to three different high schools, my family moved a lot. Went to public and Catholic schools. A lot of change, very few friends.

Can I watch Music Bros. online anywhere or can it only be seen live?

It will rebroadcast for about 24 hours starting around 3 or 4 pm on a loop, the same url where we do the show live.
Liked by: Andy West

What do you think of the random rap break that comes up in the middle of pop songs? Are they just crappy ways to grab an audience that wouldn't be there or can they actually be good?

Doesn't bother me unless it's a bad song.

Do you have a particular sub-genre that's your favorite in horror films? Like sci-fi horror or slashers?

I really like sci-fi horror and monster tales, but I've always been all about zombies.

What was the oddest sample you've ever heard in a song? Is there any musical genre that shouldn't be sampled, or is it all of matter of just finding someone to sample it right?

Can't speak to the oddest sample, I've heard too many. I think anyone should be able to sample anything, it's all in how it's flipped.

I think I remember something mentioned about you doing a music podcast, but can't find the link now. Can you say what it is again please?

It's called "Music Bros" and it's LIVE tomorrow from 11a-Noon ET on Adultswim.com/musicbros! Call in!


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