
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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movies you hate that everybody else likes

PITCH PERFECT, TITANIC, GONE GIRL, SUPERMAN (Zack Snyder), most of the Marvel movies, etc etc

When did you first get a phone? I am 14 and I am too broke and so is my mom to afford one.

I grew up before cell phones, my man. I didn't have my own phone until I was in college, and I didn't have my first cell phone until I was about 27.

I know you probably don't care that much for Taylor Swift, but what do you think about her stance against Spotify? Will this accomplish anything for streaming music rates?

I am anti streaming services because I agree with Taylor- they don't pay artists. I don't know how much good her statement made, but I agree with it.

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Do you watch the commentaries on the blu Rays?

Depends on the director. Some have great commentaries, many do not.

do you think its right for parents to lie to their children every christmas about whos giving them their gifts?

Haha yes, it's fine. Calm down.

You an AutoLaser fan? that anon made me find his stuff and I really dig it. Kinda reminds me if you like, infused stuff from Space Dandy's soundtrack with a bit more hip-hop and/or other stuff.

HeartofSword75’s Profile PhotoDuelist
Not really a fan.

Since you seem to be good at making time to spend with your family, along with playing new games, listening to new music, reading, watching various TV shows, along with all your work and travel at Adult Swim... is there anything you'd say you have trouble finding time to fit in to your schedule?

Liked by: Sketch

Mad Men therapist anon here...I know it sounds funny but I was serious about that question! Cmon man a simple yes or no is all I want :c

No, I was seeing a therapist waaaay before Mad Men existed. I'm much older than you, I'm sure.

Bill Hicks not? Why not? :O

He's not one of my favorites. I like him but he's not one of THOSE for me, personally. (shrug)

Favorite comedians?

Louis CK, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Hannibal Burress, Jerry Seinfeld, Katt Williams, Richard Pryor, Red Foxx, Lenny Bruce, George Carlin, Steven Wright, Mitch Hedberg, Eddie Murphy...etc etc

Have YOU been to a therapist before?

Absolutely, as I've said before. Have in the past, probably will again at some point.

How did the whole advice column thing start?

I dunno man, people ask me advice on here and I'm always happy to answer sincere questions and offer help.

I have a hard time letting people in, sometimes people would try to be my friend and be closer with me but I push them away even though I don't mean to I'm just so afraid of people thinking i'm weird or awkward which I am. I don't have any close friends because of this. How can I change?

Well, it sounds like you might have some issues which might be brought to light and dealt with, if you allow yourself to talk to someone- a therapist is preferable, but maybe a parent, or family member? There are always options. You have to figure out how to accept love in order to give it, right? We all deserve both. Good luck!

Does it ever baffle you how people invent narratives in their head about situations and then spout them off as if they were real? Things like the anon giving you shit about you supposedly suddenly hating Aphex Twin despite you never saying anything of the sort.

It USED to surprise me, but my time on the internet has sadly stripped all that away, now. I expect stupidity daily, and I certainly am not disappointed.

Why would anyone want to argue with you on twitter? They wouldn't want you to block them?

Because if they had a backbone they would say what they mean to me, and not anonymously. Good rule of thumb: if you think what you say to me will get you blocked, it's probably not something you SHOULD say.
Liked by: Chance

Idk what you said on twitter, twitter doesnt work on my phone, I just heard your hipster podcast badmouthing his album as overrated and overhyped, meanwhile he was your personal Allah in the summer. Now you say Syros ur fave album? Make up ur mind doofus. Ps I would go on twitter but my PC is broken

THIS is how stupid you are, anon. The person badmouthing the album was my co-host, Adam. NOT ME. I was the person who PLAYED the record. But if you're so stupid you can listen to me talk for an hour and still not know which voice is me, it makes sense you would come on here to talk shit. Because you're a moron. (waves bye)


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