
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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I want Toonami on earlier as I think it's unhealthy to stay up until such a late hour especially for some younger viewers that are still growing. I have been very Vocal about this in my letters to the adult swim offices I just wonder are they making a difference or being read at all?

Please send any Toonami related questions like this to Toonami.tumblr.com, thanks.

Sorry, I like complaining about my Mom because she won't let me stay up late on Saturdays! I'm 15 by the way.

Do what your mom tells you! She loves you. You'll be 18 soon enough. :)

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We'll thank you, but my voice has kind of always been my voice.

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Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry to hear that. Of COURSE you can have a hug. Here (hugs). I really hope you beat it!

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Who knows what your idea of "fun" is. Your mom is raising you and you come here and complain about her, so how "fun" do you think YOU are? Hahaha

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Who cares? This forum is open to everyone. What's wrong with teenage girls? I'm happy anyone cares what I think.

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****LICH LAUGH****

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Plenty. That's a problem more common to movies, though.

How can I become a voice actor?

Practice, get some recordings of yourself together, get an agent to represent you, and if you get a job- be on time, polite, easy to work with, and stick to the script... At least, until people know you well!

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Game of Thrones, but neither one is amazing. Both are a lot of fun.

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I hate South Park with a passion. Just FYI

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I've always been more of a "villain" guy, tbh.

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Oh, there are so many different reasons and/or excuses. I find it best not to try to understand what goes on in the relationships of other people. The only two who really know what happens in a relationship are the partners involved...

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I have season one of Vikings but haven't watched it yet.

what do you think it is about Law and order that makes it run for so long ?

Simple clean format. You can pick it up at any time and don't need to know any story lines. Also it can be topical!

Action cartoons (not shows with a huge comedy slant like Ben 10 or the current Spider-Man series) aimed at kids seem to be in a downturn period. Do you think there's some sort of way to connect with the supposedly disinterested youth market?

I don't know the answer. Sadly I don't think anyone does...
Liked by: Sketch


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