
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Hi Jason. I've been having a pretty awful weekend so far, but the Toonami panel announcements yesterday and the HxH marathon tonight have made it a little better. So thanks for what you guys do. It makes a difference.

I'm glad, thanks!

So with One Punch man Airing at Midnight what dose this mean for Us Gundam Viewers ? :( I feel 12:00 is Important to Gundam Gotta show those Big Boss at japan that North America still cares.

The "big bosses" don't give a shit what time Gundam airs, so let us worry about that, anon.

I am a Toonami casual anime watcher. I don't really watch more indy shows like OPM. From seeing the commercials it seems like it has a repetitive story line that does not have much longevity. Why should I be excited for this new show?

I dunno man, if that trailer plus the many many rave reviews don't pique your interest, maybe the shows not for you.

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With the internet and streaming services fans can watch a wide range of anime subbed/dubbed before or after it's initial TV run. Fans seen a lot of these series already. How can Toonami compete?

We seem to be competing just fine, anon. Fortunately, when Toonami airs a show, it not only reaches anime fans, but unlike streaming services- it reaches CASUAL TV WATCHERS who didn't know the show existed. That's a lot of people, believe it or not. Week after week. I constantly hear and am told by our partners that when a show comes to Toonami, the awareness of that show lifts dramatically. We will often hear about how someone "got into" anime through Toonami, even now. Streaming services and their immediacy are great, but that's a closed loop. It's hardcore fans going to a place for one specific thing, consuming a show and moving on to the next one. It's not how fandom is built for most people.
Toonami is a more curated experience that ideally promises a good mix of dub premieres, the occasional original, and classic action shows. It's not designed for the hardcore anime fan, although it's not designed to be hostile to them either.
Like I said, happily this approach seems to be working. When and if it stops working, we'll see what we need to change.
I'm just happy we've had almost 20 years of making anime fans, exposing people to great action cartoons, and actively supporting the industry. 👍🏼

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I was told by my pastor that the practice of scientology was wide spread in the TV industry. Is this true?

No. I've worked in tv for two decades and I've never met a Scientilogist or heard of one who works with anyone I know.

Since AX is this weekend, I take it there won't be a Pre-Flight this week?

Nope there will be. We will be filming our panel and experiences at the con, and that will be NEXT week's episode!

How come you guys didn't put Slayers, Bubblegum Crisis, Fist of the North Star (TV show, not the 80's movie), Ranam 1/2 and Flame of Recca on the original Toonami in the late 90's and early 2000's before you guys move it to Saturdays.

1. Rights. 2. Rights. 3. way too violent for a kids tv block. 4. Nudity 5. Rights. We done here?
Liked by: Duelist

Speaking of tats my older brother whos 24 maybe going overboard with them. I think he is obsessed. Everytime I see him he has a new one. They completely cover his body except his face and neck. How can I family get him to stop? Any advice?

Honestly tattoos are harmless. They won't hurt your brother and they aren't a window into a "lifestyle" or anything like that. I'd say though you may not understand it, if it makes your bro happy to have tattoos, let him get them! He's not hurting anyone and he's not being hurt. Good luck.

What have your experiences with MegaMan been so far?

I've played many Mega Man games. That's about it.

Hey ive never watched gundam before until this series! it's awesome!!! my hat off 2 u and the toonami crew!

Glad you dig it!
Liked by: John

Was the reason Ranma 1/2 never aired on Toonami because of all the nudity?

And all the old-ness, yeah.

Is there anything else to announce at anime expo with you guys besides flcl? Don't get me wrong I can't wait till what I see you announce

Come and see!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

What's the story behind Adult Swim never airing Don Hertzfeld's "Rejected" in full (I heard it was supposed to be aired around when [AS] started but for some mystery reason it wasn't).

Haven't heard anything about that.

Just watched the original Ghost in the Shell movie for the first time, really enjoyed it. What are you're thoughts on it?

It's an all time classic and one of the reasons I do what I do. It's a font of ideas that's been stolen from by a ton of people and a work of true and resonant genius. Hail Shirow; hail Oshii.
Liked by: Sam Spellman

do you think facebook is dying?

Yes, very slowly, but it's still the most used social network by a massive margin.

I just picked up the recent DVD but I was wondering if there's anyway we can get IGPX on streaming or Blu-ray? Love the DVD by the way, thanks for putting both cuts on it!

That won't be happening any time soon, sorry!

Any chance we'll see any more music videos with this sort of "emotional" vibe in the future? I loved them. https://youtu.be/aepNd7sFAsM

Maybe. We kind of just make those when we feel like expressing something. It's gotta come organically.


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