
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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Is Drake too big to fail? Know you rep for him, so I'm curious to hear your take on how he can expect to weather the storm of his first widely agreed-upon dud, or if he even needs to worry.

It's not a dud sales/streaming numbers-wise and that's all that matter. It has never mattered what critics think of Drake, to the extent that it matters what critics think about music at all. I'm into the new record and I can't see how it's much different from his other work, and I think the story of it being a "dud" is more about music critics being tired of Drake's omnipresence than anything else. Drake is Drake is Drake. Love him or hate him, he hasn't changed much!

I think the problem is people don't wanna pay large amounts of money for large packages of channels they never watch. They don't want to be stuck in horrible contracts either. Do you think future cable packages will be cheaper and customizable?

That's definitely some of it. I think they will have to be.
Liked by: Rynnec Zuhac

What are you currently reading? And are there any books you're looking forward to this year?

I'm re-reading Moby Dick and also reading Stephen King's Mr. Mercedes trilogy. I'm looking forward to the final book in Justin Cronin's "The Passage" trilogy.

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"Only The Legend of Zelda will be at E3! NOTHING ELSE!" Any thoughts on these recently baffling Nintendo corporate decisions?

Nintendo has always been a terribly run, backward company when it comes to anything at all besides games.
Liked by: JC Elliott

I used to think otherwise but now i find no problem with certain old school anime being Americanized for kids back in the day because in my opinion i feel like dubbing series like Dbz or Sailor Moon culturally japanese exposes them for how bad/childish they can come across. Thats just my opinion.

You should have "No problem" with it because while those dubs and the edits they made were imperfect, they are partly responsible for the amount of access to anime you have today, and the opinion you are allowed to have because you now have access to "unfiltered" content. The people who dubbed those shows and brought them to the US paved the way for what you enjoy now. That's just MY opinion. ;)
Liked by: Duelist

can you sing? heard your voice and it sounds like if you were to sing it would sound good.

Thanks for saying so, but I can't really sing.

When is Gundam IBO going to air? I thought it was going to be June 4th, replacing DW, but I heard another source say October. Which is it?

June 4th.
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

I never fully understood the purpose of William Street records. According to you WSR dose not sign any artist. Why have a label then? No offense I just don't get it.

We started as a label that signed artists like Cheeseburger, Killer Mike, Witchdoctor and Phaseone, etc. After a while it became clear that we weren't equipped to be able to launch a record that would sell.
Since about 2012, Williams Street Records is just the name for when Adult Swim does something with music. Since we do AS Singles and about three or more free albums a year, we think it's worth still putting it all under that label. At this point, it's really marketing (and our own idiosyncrasy). Hope that clears up your "confusion," anon.
Liked by: Joshua Telemaque

When's Gundam going to air? I don't know if you specified a date, but I think most of us were under the impression it was on June 4th. The Gundam Guy blog specified October though. Looking through the sources, I haven't found anything else specifying October for the Toonami airing

It's airing the weekend after Memorial Day.

WTF why the f*ck did you get gundam? That is the worst anime ever after Bebop. Why couldn't you get the boondocks and syndicate air south park on toonami?

Wah wah wah. Go cry somewhere else, anon.

Why DID you guys (and by you guys I mean Turner) renew Inuyasha TFA? Also, what did Neon Joe mean in that press release?

We didn't, the Inuyasha thing was a mistake.

Dont know what you're talking about dude i love the Assasin's Creed trailer!

Hey, don't let me stop you. I know a little bit about making a good trailer, though.

Do some of us that haven't watched any gundam, do we need to watch the previous gundams to understand this one? Is it the same thing for fooly cooly?

Nope it doesn't require having watched any previous Gundam shows.

Are you a weeaboo?

No, a weeb is a person who only wants to keep new anime to himself. That's exactly the opposite of my job, anon!

So the Turner release that revealed IBO also showed Inuyasha: The Final Act as a returning title. You aren't really going to make us suffer through TFA again, are you?

No, salty. That's a mistake.


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