
Jason DeMarco

Ask @Clarknova

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How do you manage to do fun hobbies when you have such a demanding job?

Man, I jus don't sleep much. That's really it. My wife also tells me I "plan my free time," so that must be part of it too!
Liked by: IraDokiDoki

Hey! I finished HXH a couple weeks ago, and it became my second favorite show to OP, and having them both on the only reason I have cable is so amazing so thanks!


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Based on your social media persona, I've noticed you're not the most "traditional" executive-type. You're very outspoken, promote rap music, and are tatted-up. Do you feel that your personal views have helped or hindered you in business at all?

It really hasn't hindered me, but it must be said that I work for a wonderful, non-draconian company who lets me do it, too.
Liked by: Alex J

Thank you for doing what you do. I'd already liked AS, but Toonami had my 12 year old ass staying up to 3:30 for weeks. It was so exciting! Stuff has changed, but not that drive to make good shit and the sense of community from AS+Toonami. Working for Turner is a goal I didn't know I had.

Thanks, hope to see you roaming the halls soon!

Hi Mac, I appreciate how much I have to look forward to thanks to you guys ! First Samurai Jack, then FLCL, now HxH?? Brilliant. I was wondering if you guys were planning on swapping the DBZ openings to Japanese tho-the English themes sound much less intense.

Thanks. Re: the opening, that is provided by Funi and isn't really our decision.

Where do you guys get all that cool footage for the Adult Swim bumps? The ones that usually air between 8 and 11. I really love those and sometimes will just go to YouTube to watch them!

It's a mix of differing sources, actually. A lot of it is stock footage, some of it is from shooters we work with, too. I'm glad you dig it!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

Did you drive any rare cars in Japan? I got the opportunity to drive a Evo Coupe and an R34 during my time there.

Only a Skyline, usually in Japan I'm walking or on the train, or in a cab, sadly.

Why are people trashing Naruto so much? I love that show, my favorite on the block.

I think every long running Shonen has its fans and it's haters, I wouldn't worry too much about it! Just enjoy it if you like the show.

Jason, here's a tip. You may be in charge or part of making decisions on Toonami, (big woopty fucking doo for you) and think everyone around you is dumb...But that doesn't mean your entitled to be rude to your fans. You egotistical small dicked prick. 😘

Psst: hey, anon: random assholes who complain or talk shit to me are not "fans." They're just assholes. As always, I'm open to genuine questions and I'm always respectful of those who are respectful of me. You, on the other hand, do not deserve that respect, because you haven't extended it to me. So, fuck off. ;)
Liked by: D Los Karlos

Hey Jason Have you heard GZA"s Liquid Swords Lp from 1995? if you have what do you think of it?

Of course! Stone cold classic. Could easily be in the top ten rap records of all time. In the top 5 Wu projects ever, for sure.

How come whenever you guys get a highly requested show on the block, the debbie downers come out of the works to say that it's too long and it'll ruin Toonami? I don't get it at all man.

There are always people, small minded cowards usually, who somehow can't handle it when others are happy. It makes them feel alone, and more than that makes them question whether or not they DESERVE to feel alone (they do), and they inevitably blame these negative feelings on others. I give them too much bandwidth but messing with them gives me joy, it's a weakness of mine. The best response is really just perfect silence, but I'm not good enough for that.

Previous guy from the last ask. I just want to say that, honestly, Hunter x Hunter being on Toonami is the best news I've heard all week. Haven't been this happy since you got KLK. I'm gonna watch every week and hope everyone watches and loves it enough so you can air the entire show!

Liked by: Duelist Wyatt Beaty

You've previously mentioned that Toonami won't run subs because people partially use it as background noise and might change the channel. If that's the case, why not take a risk for those who actually want to give you their full and undivided attention?

No, it's not that people "might" change the channel, people WILL. Ppl call in and complain in large numbers and change the channel in equally large numbers. So why don't we do the thing that we know has the opposite result of what we need to happen? Because it would be bad for us. Pretty simple!
Liked by: Wyatt Beaty

demarco, how do i get my friends to watch toonami? i only really watch toonami for anime and do minimal streaming, but everyone that DOESN'T watch it are the ones that are marathonning like 12 series and obsess over the most underground shows and shit. didn't even bat an eye over FLCL's announcement

I dunno. Sounds like the crew you're describing are more interested in their own insular world, sadly. In fairness to them, Toonami is and always has been more of a "gateway drug" for action cartoons and anime, designed to both create new fans and appeal to wider audiences than the hardest of the hardcore fans. Toonami isn't for everyone, never has been, and that's okay!

Isn't it funny when Toonami calls Toonami a relic, then mentions watching Kiss Anime instead, which is a great example of an illegal streaming site that is literally killing the future of anime?

I think ppl like that- Weebs like that- are a cancer and are absolutely hurting the people who make the art they claim to love. They're scum.

not answering questions and just calling people names. yep text book regressive left.

Being a coward on the Internet. Yep pretty much "alt right." :)

Wow I can't wait to watch a four year old anime over the course of 3-4 years. That's really exciting combined with the 6 and 10 year commitment needed for Naruto and One Piece. Oh wait, I can watch all of these shows for free on Kiss Anime whenever I want. Have fun trying to keep this relic afloat

Hey I'm having a blast, thanks. Ratings are higher than they've ever been and I get to work on new Sam Jack and FLCL. You, on the other hand, are talking shit on the Internet and doing nothing, which I'm guessing is what you'll do for a long time. ;)


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