

Ask @dannyboi1102

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How often do you sing aloud? Name the song you perform best!

Any song within the range of D2 - C4 , I can do pretty well #baritonecurse

What exhibitions or museums are you interested to visit?

The one in Pokemon Yellow, they have an Aerodactl fossil and also a Spaceship! Wowzer!

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What radio stations are you listening to? 🎼

I don't really listen to the radio, mainly just Spotify and Youtube :p

What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?

You know, I used to really like Ed Sheeran :/ I listened to the first album a lot, watched a ton of live performances and interviews on Youtube, and learnt almost all of his songs on guitar.

Why do girls' and boys' clothes have buttons on opposite sides?

Omfg I didn't even know this. Google confirms. It's a conspiracy?

Is there something you found out about yourself while using ASKfm?

I found out that I liked answering questions...?

Do you believe that each individual on Earth has a soulmate?

I was gonna say no, because there are actually more boys than girls in the world at the moment, making it impossible But I forgot about lgbt, so it's possible

What’s the most annoying piece of clothing your parents made you wear during your childhood?

Glasses! People call you names for it. But then you realise it's better to be teased for something that isn't actually you, than something that is

Do you smile at strangers? Why or why not?

I think it's a good idea to do this, but not everyone would react positively. "WOT U SMILIN AT M8 FIGHT ME 1VS" is something to be prepared for.

Do you like to sing in the shower?

No, most of the time I shower at the swimming pool showers. And people might get disturbed :p

How would you change your name to make life a lot more fun?

I'd change my name to Google or Siri, so whenever someone asks me to do something, it activates their phone

why am i so emotional rn?

It's probably teenage emotions having their effect, don't worry about it :) Watch a cool movie or something

How can I get rid of the everyday hardships?

You don't, you need the hardships for balance. "Without dark, light cannot exist. L is dead" - Yoda

What's one of your favorite 'little things' to enjoy in life?

I reaallly like hot baths :3 But usually I make them too hot, so I don't enjoy it as much as I should

What's the funniest auto-correct mistake you made?

I realllllly dislike auto-correct. I'd rather make spelling mistakes then get the wrong words...

What's the most difficult word you've learned recently?

Luddite. It means you don't like new technology. SMASH YO IPHONES :D


Language: English