

Ask @dannyboi1102

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Is there a story behind your profile picture? What is it?

A very long story full of many details so I'll skip the details and get to the good part: Meow meow meow meow

Would you consider yourself a loyal friend? How do you earn people's loyalty?

You should talk to them after school (but not on nights when you go into the TV). Once you've got their social link up to max, it's fully loyal

Do you sleep in the dark or with some light on?

There are starving children in Africa. Think twice before you waste electricity.

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How do you usually start a conversation?

"H-h-hey. Um.. So... uh you like... I mean. DO LIKE TO EAT CHOCOLATE OK BYE"

What band is your favorite at the moment?

I've been super into Mayday Parade lately, all their albums are awesome. Except possibly their latest one, but even that is starting to grow on me.

If you had to dye your hair and keep the color for the next five years, what color would you choose?

Either red or blue... I'm gonna say blue.

What makes you feel better when you are in a bad mood?

I have a few videogames that I love, specifically reserved for such occasions. Nothing gives you an escape better than a game you're heavily invested in.

What do you dream about?

I actually had a really bad dream a few nights ago, way too much details to put on here though :p

Which place do you find to be the most boring?

Shops shops shops. I cannot stress this enough. Unless I actually wanna buy something :p

What was the last movie you watched?

La-La Land, I actually liked it a lot. I also rewatched Juno, another fun one

What's your favorite photo that you've taken?

Whenever I take a picture of the Wifi password, those are always keepers


Language: English