
Haziq Ghafar

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Okay now think really carefully. Imagine if you wake up in a hospital one day and the doctor tells you you only have a week left to live. What would you do and how would you want to spend your last week?

Ask people for forgiveness, meet my parents and family, pray hard.

Imagine if you wake up in a hospital one day and the doctor tells you you only have a week left to live. What would you do and how would you want to spend your last week?

Not sure how to answer this. I twerk all week long. :P

Do you ever think of changing your course? What would you change it to?

Yes I have. I wanted to take Pharmacy before. Probably I will change to Pharmacy.

What do you like about accounting?

The rigidity. I love how Accounting can have the same formula for a lot of things.

Are you ever or have been superstitious? If yes, what kind of superstitions do you hold on to

I have been superstitious. I believe that it's bad to put your legs up when you're lying down and your body is facing downwards.


Language: English