
Stay Strong

Ask @ICanHelpUx

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soph-ok I want swimming alot already this year and I self harm,but im scared my best friend is going to find out because my birthday is in 2 days and me and her are going swimming but im scared she is going to see my scars I tell people they are cat and dog marks but if I tell her what would say? xx

happy birthday for tomorrow :)
she will see unless you hide them but as your going swimming that wont be easy. depending on where they are you might be able to hide them. i think you should tell her what they really are though. tell her when your alone,tell her you want to tell her something private then just tell her. if you find it easier write what you would say to her down and give her that, then you dont have to verbally tell her but you are still telling her face to face ~ Soph xxx

soph- what is bandage and plaster ? .... im dump so I don't now

Your not. There something that you use when you cut yourself or when you twist or damage a bone that isn't damaged enough for the doctors. If you go to a local supermarket you will find them ~ Soph xxx

ok what if it is really hot out and I have a long sleeves on and im not a person for makeup,bracelets and sweat bands so what do I do

That's a hard one if it was me I would keep the sleeves down. You could always try covering them with a bandage or plaster ~ Soph xxx

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Okay thanks, I just worry that I am or that people will think I'm selfish, I get an idea into my head and there it stays! - Soph xxx

It's ok! No one will think that because people will try and help you so there's no need to worry ~ Soph xxx

soph- what are some Ways to cover scars on my arm?

Stop making scars in the first place
Sweat bands (good when doing a sport)
Long sleeves
Anything along those sorts of things ~ Soph xxx

Thanks- I don't want to talk to people though because I feel I am attention seeking! I've got it in my head that I'm an attention seeker! ~ Soph xxx

Your not a attention seeker beautiful! It ok if you don't want to talk to people but you can talk to me whenever you like! It's ok always here ~ Soph xxx

Ways in which you can let your emotions out? -Soph xxx

there are lots of different ways!
-writing how you feel down then rip it up
-draw how you feel (can be quite hard)
-talk to people
-stress ball
-punching bag
-throw soft things against a wall
-punch a pillow
maybe try some of those? ~ Soph xxx

why did you decide to make this ask page?<3

because i know how much it helps to talk to people about your problems, i dont want anyone to feel the same way as i did a few months back and i dont want anyone to think the things i did. its not very nice and it makes you so so lonely. i hate to think that theres people keeping all there problems and feelings to themselves and smiling even though its fake. i want to help people like people have helped me. i wouldnt be here if it wasnt for people on advice pages similar to this one ~ Soph xxx

When I get up my vision goes funny and blacked out, I get a head ache and feel like I'm going to fall over, any tips? Soph xxx

i go like that sometimes. you probably got up too fast, try standing up a bit slower but if you get seriously worried or it happens more often or for longer go to a doctor ~ Soph xxx

Thank you xxxx it says im okay:)

then you dont need to worry about your weight! its ok, its what im here for. if you ever need me you know where to find me ~ Soph xxx

well he doesnt get horny? so that is the best idea, yes?

yes, not all boys do all the time though ~ Soph xxx

my boyfriend keeps asking me for sex, but everytime we try he doesnt get a boner? We have tried all diffrent types of things but still he doesnt, should he go to the doctors?

if you guys think its best then yes but if not dont worry ~ Soph xxx

Im so fat. I dint wanna be fat. I won't eat from now on. Its the only solution

your not fat. you have to eat sweetie! its not the only solution at all. eat a balanced diet and Exercycle regularly! talk to a doctor or fitness coach so they can help you loose weight healthily ~Soph xxx

i havent started my period yet and im 18 should i go to the doctors?

everyone starts at different times, im sure you will start soon but if you are worried then yes go to a doctor ~ Soph xxx

Hey.. i kinda have an eating disorder im desperate in lossing weight :( the more weight i lose the more i see myself kinda fat :/ i exersice a lot and eat few .. i really want to loose weight what should i do? :( thankkss xx

go to your doctor or GP so they can help you professional because if you do have a eating disorder then it can be very dangerous! they will help you loose weight healthily ~ Soph xxx


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