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kodieisafreak’s Profile Photokodie
Liked by: kodie


kodieisafreak’s Profile Photokodie
KODIE YOU CAN'T DIE. Promise me you'll go ninja on her all right? AND LLAMACORNS ARE PRECIOUS WE MUST PROTECT THEM
Liked by: kodie

I KNOW IT REALLY SUCKS is it night where you are or? good afternoon/evening/morning wherever you are <3

It's 5:17 and I'm about to leave in an hour or two to a wifi-less place bc of college (:

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She's usually nice to me so I don't think there's any reason for me to 'antagonize' her just because I'm her brother xD If I get into med school I'm thinking either cardiologist or neurologist. If I don't though, I guess I can just be a researcher, but I'll most probably work on plants then xD

I always do my best to annoy my brother. x) HOLY SHIT HOW CAN I STOP COMPARING YOU TO MY BROTHER? I mean, not in all aspects, but he wants either Cardio (he actually as a heart problem) or Neuro (we can't afford med school though so he's stuck with Econ) sooo yeah.
Why plants over animals? (Other than the obvious answer, which is that potatoes are plants and you favor those over everything else) ;)

I can never hang out with a bunch at once. I'd probably end up acting off, and yeah, two is enough. like what habits?? x)

Ofcoursenhot’s Profile Photopatty
bro: dude, three o clock
everyone: *looks*
guy 1: shit legs
guy 2: look at that ass
bro: she's not that pretty
guy 3: but her ass man
me: guys, one o'clock.
everyone: *looks*
Liked by: patty

attempts are never good. I think the only reason I have guy friends are because of the ones I made in middle school... actually, now that I think about it, I have only one or two close guy friends

Ofcoursenhot’s Profile Photopatty
It's not always good to have a lot of them really. I once hung out with too many guys bc of my brother and I almost feel as if even I grew a pair bc I picked up on their disgusting habits (hopefully, I got rid of those now hahaha) and at least you have 2 :P
Liked by: patty

Isla's a great writer, she's miles better than me :) It was either that or Conmunications for her but she says she has a really strong urge to go for CW xD I was also thinking abt taking up Chem Eng but then Bio makes it easier for me to get into med school. I just want to be a doctor/researcher. :)

I think it's cool how you actually don't antagonize Isla as much as most siblings do. On a side-note, does she have Wattpad? Hahaha. So you really want to be doctor. I can't even imagine being one. (Btw, what are you planning to specialize on, if ever?)
Liked by: patty

hahah no, but I do gush about guys to her. most of my guy friends I suffer a case of cabin fever with or I'm not close to them cx

Ofcoursenhot’s Profile Photopatty
Oooooh. I'm painfully awkward around guys I'm not close with too hahahaha
Liked by: patty

he is VERY awkward tho most times he's a younger brother rather than an older one despite the 4 year age gap :| Yes I'm bunso but more often than not it's like i'm the middle child because my brother acts like a 13 year-old most days haha. Aw cute younger siblings!

endlessdaydreaming’s Profile Photochloe
I FEEL THE SAME WAY WITH MY BROTHER. A lot of people think I'm older. (I try not to take this offensively DO I LOOK THAT OLD OR) aaaaand omf yessss my 2 sisters are so cute I can't even <333 And they're conyo bc they pick up some English words from the cartoons they watch, it's funny when they talk :)))

i love those prof reviews things they've saved my life so many times haha but the annoying thing after enrollment here in DLSU is that there's still a chance profs will shuffle :( Aw babe but how's journalism going for you? loving it or hating it or??

endlessdaydreaming’s Profile Photochloe
THE PROF REVIEWS ARE AWESOME. Without them, I would end up with profs who gave 5 to every student hahaha. That happens here too, but not as much, I think? Though it's annoying to have TBA teachers. :/
Journalism is really fun actually! (: But I feel as if I'm not that suited to it. I can't even interview people *crying*

I was just about to say that! That's what my sister's taking up and she had to search for a lot of proof to reassure my mom that it wouldn't be a poor choice of major. :)

ISLA'S TAKING CREATIVE WRITING? OH MY GOSH. THAT'S AWESOME. I wish I did that too ughhhh. What about you? Have you always wanted to take Bio? (:
Liked by: patty

ITS THE BANE OF MY EXISTENCE. gonna work this out! (anything works, patricia/ patty/ princess yup yup yup 0:-) )

Ofcoursenhot’s Profile Photopatty
Pat. I have a horrible experience with Pat's. Hahahahaha.
Liked by: patty

Wild guess: not enough career opportunities for CW?

Something like that. (: After researching it just a month ago, we realized there actually are a lot though hahahahahaha.

Artificial sugar yung splenda. It comes in small yellow packets. Usually mga hotel at restaurant may ganun. Pero nakakacancer daw ang splenda yung ang latest news plus you struggle sleeping bc of it. Most people use Stevia sugar, not sure if the Philippines have it now.

pixydust’s Profile PhotoKatie Cruz
Ohhh. :o Sounds kind of dangerous hahahaha

ugh well philo can be kind of interesting/fun so hopefully he/she at least teaches you something despite being a terror prof. i had a terror accounting prof once but i really learned a lot even if my grade ended up pretty ugh. Oh that's cool! have you always wanted to take it? :)

endlessdaydreaming’s Profile Photochloe
I've been researching reviews about him and a lot say that he only seems like a terror prof, but he's really interesting and really teaches well, sooooo there's that (:
Not always. (: When I was in Elem, yes. In HS, I wanted to get Creative Writing, but my mom didn't want me to so Journ it is ((:

Did you graduate as valedictorian?

I didn't graduate with anything. (: Seriously, I'm not smart. I wasn't even close to the top 10. (But that's fine. Some of the people who ranked higher than me didn't pass my uni's entrace exam HA!)
Liked by: patty

Yes i think it will be next year! I feel your pain I take the LRT (i hate the mRT so much it makes me hate people and the world in general it's like the birthplace of all the rudeness in the entire universe i swear)

endlessdaydreaming’s Profile Photochloe
I once... got hit in the boob in the MRT. I almost cried. Chloe, I almost criiiiied.

i'd love to have your number but i think i've told you about this issue i have before. i'm not allowed to use my phone and my mom hides it and gives it back only on fridays and saturdays then she'd get it again on the sunday ughhh i'm not even allowed to use my laptop rn but i'm a badass bish

kodieisafreak’s Profile Photokodie
Liked by: kodie patty

We both know I'm right :p so hey why didn't you go for creative writing instead?

Noooo I will never admit that. (NEVERRR) And umm my mom thought I wouldn't achieve anything from CW. And at first, I kind of did too. Now I just regret I didn't push it.
Liked by: patty

haha i have an older brother too he's 22. But i kinda have the same sentiments as you wish he'd go get a girlfriend already or something hahaha. You're just two siblings in the family, you and your bro? :)

endlessdaydreaming’s Profile Photochloe
Ohhhh. Hahaha I hope he's not as awkward as my brother, though, bc that's painful to watch. x) There are actually 5 of us. :) I'm 2nd eldest, then I have 1 younger brother, and 2 younger sisters. :) What about you? Are you the youngest? x)

YES YES WE HAVE XD damn, once I bookmark the link, swac is gonna be like another motivator for me to finish my summer homework! praying it works!

Ofcoursenhot’s Profile Photopatty
SUMMER. HOMEWORK. SUCKS. You can do this babe (btw what should I call you?)
Liked by: patty


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