
That Woman

Ask @icequeenerika

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Hawaii has a state health service. A tomato is a fruit. Is the campaign against Hawaiian pizza a campaign against fruit or health?

It's against fruit. Pineapples are gross.

Would you have a chondrolaryngoplasty? It seems ickier than a vaginoplasty.

Absolutely. If I had the money I'd get all the surgery I could.

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Do you want to get the Apple Watch?

I guess? I like Apple products but so far it literally does nothing? And it comes in nice deluxe options but I could just get a better women's analog watch if I wanted something for my wrist

Herodotus or Thucydides?

I have no idea who those are so I'm going with Thucydides. Saying that name makes me do funny things with my tongue. THOOO tsai Dee Dees

What fashion brand can you not live without?

There's plenty of brands I'd like to own clothes by but don't. If you go by the current status of my wardrobe, I'd be naked without H&M.

you are truscum?

I don't think so (unless somebody wants to speak up, do it now!). I think that question was speaking to my internal inquisition. Or my stated position that otherkin are not actually oppressed and comparable to trans people.

What's your favorite dish to treat yourself to?

I really really really like Taco Bell. Treating myself to that is great.
Out of dishes I make myself? Probably Swedish meatballs.

You flip really quickly from self-confessed 'truscum' withdrawal to empathy for many much more vulnerable than yourself, especially on issues of race. Is it cyclical, just moving through parts of a complex adult personality, or is it a connective euphoria where you get to be fully yourself?

I guess cyclical? I have compassion for everyone and everyone deserves to be treated well. My issues are a function of myself; my self-loathing is irrelevant to how others deserve to be treated. I can flagellate myself, but that's me making choices about who I am and who I want to be. I don't make those choices for others.

Do you think people with a more scientific outlook are easier with viewing their body as a tool/changeable carrier they use/wetware than those involved in art or more objectifying disciplines? Asking for The Singularity.

Nope. Bodily issues don't correspond to your areas of interest. Scientists might know more about the total effects of an implant or something but that's all.

What is the most bizarre safeword you have ever used?

I normally just use red light yellow light but I did use iguana once. I think. It was an unusual-to-say animal for sure.

You've often explained how society's need for people to be gender binary is both irrational and the source of a lot of bullying and disphoria; also how you are obsessed and hurt by the need to pass. Do you think you'll become easier (more comfy?) with this duality as you cutefy ?

No: even if I reach happiness with myself in all aspects the gender binary still hurts my friends and family and needs to be broken for their sake.
I might be a perfect "classical transsexual" but activism and equality don't stop when they are complete for me.

Once we can literally share experiences with like-minded people around the globe, will the effect open up our minds or be homogenising like so much of social media now? Oh yeah, I'm referring to after The Singularity.

I don't think we will ever be able to do that. If we can - if we can literally be in someone else's shoes and experience the totality of their subjective experience- then yes things will change, as we will have sundered one of the hallmarks of discrete individuality.

Why are you such a cutie?

I'm not but it's nice that you think I am. I guess to answer your question you find self-loathing and self-deprecation cute?

I have a trans fuckbuddy. She regards outing herself on social media as a dangerous exposure to a clique of white middle class women who obsess on appearances and wish to remind her of suicide each day. If true, why do you think wealth needs to isolate the vulnerable so much?

Whoever asked this you need to take it a lot slower and work through a bunch of that argument first please. I can't wrap my head around all of that to answer it.

You know grown up women have hair, right? How much of your aversion to body hair is fun, and how much is absorbed misogyny?

Of course they do. If by fun you mean my own choice, then all that way. I don't like hair on me at all; if I could, I would be hairless below my eyes entirely. It's not my personal or aesthetic preference, but my preference means exactly jack shit for other women's bodies and their choices for themselves.
Liked by: willow

You're at the start of puberty v2.0 and you're only just discovering moisturiser. With the greatest respect (which usually means none, I know), were you being forced into being the rubbishest boy ever?

Yes! By everything. By the dysphoria that makes me not care for my body, by the gendered experience that told me it wasn't appropriate, by the context that deprived me. I was rubbish in so many ways, yes.

why do you have so many singularity questions :v

Because as a trans woman whose bodily autonomy is limited by the trauma of her form, only ameliorated by technological advantages, I am innately a cyborg in Donna Haraway's usage.

So what was your best role playing experience?

Probably playing Mira, my school fashion club social queen who was actually being manipulated by a demonic presence shared among the cellphones of her clique. She was amazing.

Young Finnish children get placed outside in all weathers for fresh air in so many clothes they can barely move and often fall over until their parents spot them and pop them back up until they have their hour. Is there a similar Canadian practice?

Yes. It's called "hockey."

What is on your favorite graphic tee?

I'm just going to use this question to confess I was so bad and disinterested in dressing in boy clothes that I seriously wore silk dragon shirts in high school.

What do you think about recycling?

Recycling is life! I carry around coffee lids for hours just to recycle them.


Language: English