
That Woman

Ask @icequeenerika

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May is my favourite time of year in Ontario. What month do you enjoy the most here? :)

I think I have to agree. May is amazing!

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Would you rather be royalty or a reality TV star?

Royalty. You can still be a reality TV star if you want, and you get to be Queen!

How do you prefer to travel?

Any traveling is good. Planes are not fun because of my long legs and no space. I'd like to be rich enough to afford first class and actually enjoy flying.

Do you wear any jewelry?

I do! I always have on two rings I inherited from my maternal grandmother and grandfather, and I sometimes wear necklaces and earrings and so on

Do you have anything of value to you say? You just seem to promote transphobia and act as propaganda against the legitimacy of trans people.

Well you're still mad enough to be asking me questions weeks later. That's pretty valuable

Favorite tabletop game? Asking for a friend, ofc.

4e, Pathfinder, New World of Darkness, Monsterhearts pick any

How does it feel to know you're causing people who self-identified as feminists to turn their back on the movement because of it's association with extremist bigots like you?

If they don't care about trans women, they weren't real feminists in the first place.

You continue to dodge the question. How is what you're doing any different from religious conservatives? Motives and tactics are the same, only a different target.

Wow yes this is how culture works surprisingly

How do you manage to answer all legitimate criticism with offensive remarks that promote violence? It's truly a skill. You have blood on your hands, bigot.

You're right I should go wash my hands. Thanks for the reminder!

How does it feel to have personally been more awesome than the entire history of video games?

Pretty great!

What are you expecting from the new season of "Game of Thrones"?

People to get really upset on social media. Did I mention Brienne dies in the third episode?

I didn't say anything about games media criticism. I asked you how it felt to have promoted more violence, fear and hatred towards trans people than the entirety of the history of video games? You're the anti-poster child for trans people. A bigoted, hate monger who dilutes trans issues.

Was this question written by a dwarf star? I'm not sure how else you can be so dense.

How does it feel to have personally promoted more violence, fear and hatred of trans people than the entirety of the history of video games?

You have an impressively bad grasp of media criticism, and that makes you wrong.


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