

Ask @katelynloveyou

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how come most of your pics include you in your swimsuit or near the water?

Bc that's how I role bihh jk lmao umm Bc I'm always in a bikini tanning or boating or fishing and those ocean ones are from last month, I went to the Bahamas
Liked by: doğan toprak

See, in the UK (about 1.5 times as big as Florida) the 61 mil of us packed onto this little isle get about 50 gun deaths a year.The US (pop 320m)gets 12500 a year.At US ratios we should have 2400 gun deaths. We don't, as we don't have guns everywhere and don't act like redneck loons🔫🚫

Umm idk who you are but don't ever say " redneck loons" on my page and or to me Bc that's highly disrespectful and that's how I grew up so don't start that with me!! And for another the UK and America are wayyyy different with their policies and all that and yes even with the amount of guns in the country.. And honey "12500 a year" are u sure or are u just pulling this number from the sky?? Lmao whatever just seriously everyone that has a gun in this country don't go acting like " Redneck loons" that term honestly is ridiculous and completely irrelevant because if you actually thought about it the people that have used the gun privilege in a wrong way are never rednecks so try again honey.. And right now, the number of police incidents where they have been landed unemployed and or off the line or work has shot up 15%. And those are police officers, and honestly rn we haven't even had any big gun issues 😂 it's all about planes flying into a duplex and car crashes and simple stuff.. So before you come on here trying to talk numbers and shit, go watch American news

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Liked by: Ant

Look. At. My. Ask. Wall. I'm. Done.

I got u fam! Don't let them get to you, they're just being petty. Your better than that and u know what's up, they don't! Stay positive love, act like u don't give a rats ass about what they have to say and they'll eventually back off, only you and marshal know exactly what's up in y'all's friendship not any of these other people. They're just jealous. Don't let it get to you, il it hurts and it's gonna be hard, I've been there but keep stayin strong and show them that they don't faze u, you got this, and hey, u ever think of how pussy they are for keeping it anon and not coming forward to ur face and being straight about it. Exactly Bc they're nothing compared to you ! Stay strong love!!!
Liked by: Madds alex

Jugling two guys at once huh??? Lol someones getting attention =P

Umm no. I only like one of these guys and I'm only interested in one and I'm pretty sure he knows who he is *cough* joe *cough*
Liked by: Ant

Lol you burp that much?

Lmao I hardly ever burp and all my friends know that and I can't even make myself burp so when I do burp I feel accomplished 😂😂 you'd have to personally know me and chill with me to understand this

You can either play as many hits as you want until someone quits or first person who gets hit 21 times loses (if the person misses you on the hit thay point wouldn't count)



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