
Maitri Anjani

Ask @maitrikka

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Why would someone want to go on a space trip?

They probably hate it here. Most people that go to NASA are the people that are trying to find another planet to bear with.

Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

I'd probably go out for dinner. I am too impatient when it comes to cooking and I often think that the time you waste while cooking isn't worth the result (since I am horrible at food science).

What do you like best about your hometown?

All the familiar stuff that sticks, I guess. There's nothing better than to be surrounded with the things you love and known for all your life. As you grow, they grow inside you.

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What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?

"Lo akan selalu jadi terlalu sesuatu buat orang lain- mau lo ancur mau lo baik, jadi yaudah jalanin aja lo itu gimana."

setuju ga sama kalimat "new is always better"? alasannya?

ga setuju. new isn't always better, it's just different. i have rare cases of the statement, i always seem to prefer the familiar.
Liked by: Michael Warming

What sort of things would you do to amuse yourself during a car journey?

no more than a good playlist and a decent book.

Would you rather live in the mountains, or by the sea?

mountains, definitely. i'm a cap (which concludes to me being born in january and is a winter person). the sea sickens me.

What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day?

i'd treat women all around the neighborhood with respect and let them know that they're wonderful, verbally. little compliments are the ones that sticks.

Do you spend too much time on smart phone playing ‘stupid games’?

i do. but i end up deleting them anyways- they're never that good.

got any tips for someone who's currently going through a bad break-up?

if you're going through hell, keep going. learn to find yourself again.

hello! what's the one thing about yourself--whether it be a personality/physical trait, or a habit--that you love and hate at the same time?

my inability to be decently ambitious. i enjoy the lazy ambition i have inside me and yet i wish i could do more about it in order to become a better version of myself each day; but then again, it would be an endless race to have to compete with myself every day. so there we go, some serious love hate relationship.

If you could be anyone in this world, be it already dead or still alive, who would you want to be and why?

It would've been the greatest pleasure to be Meryl Streep because she is literally the loveliest person on and off screen and she's amazing at every single thing and that I'd love to be her anytime anyhow.

Do we become happy only when we meet the one we love?

that's a very crappy statement. happiness comes only when you start loving yourself; other people are only bits and spices of your wholeness.


wiwiw cekiwiw hai

What's so scary about falling in love?

Uhh everything about it I guess. The idea of giving in to someone can be very terrifying.

A sad song that you can think of at the moment?

dependable people and things that i'm sure of / slow club. man

Define love

Love is giving another person half of your insides and make it seem like you're whole when in truth you actually become a lesser version of yourself. Love is giving another person the power to either bring you joy or eternal grief and pain. As the famous saying goes; 'You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world- but you do have some say in who hurts you.'


Language: English