
Maitri Anjani

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Apakah yang paling penting dalam sebuah hubungan?

Basically being on the same frequency without igniting each other to pieces. Unless you're into being self destructive and such- because what's bad for your heart is good for your art.

Kamu terjebak di sebuah pulau. Bagaimana cara kamu menghabiskan waktu?

Probably just laying in between the sands waiting for death to come pick me up in a nice boat. I'll probably be sleeping underneath the palm trees if there is any.

Lu udah deket 7 bulan sama doi sampe akhirnya doi nembak lu. Awalnya lu pen doi nembak dan lu terima.. setelah dia nembak lu malah jadi bingung dan blm lu jawab... lu jadi menemukan keraguan dari doi... Kalo lu di posisi itu.. apa yang bakalan lu lakuin?

When in doubt, leave. Never settle for anything you have to question twice on.

Tips berpakaian untuk kulit gelap donggggs

Here's a tip: wear literally anything you want. The world will always have something to say, so screw it.
Liked by: Hagi

What is art to you?

Art is more of a way to survive. Personally to me, it's somewhat a subconscious tool that helps me make some sense out of things. A portal to everything around me, I guess. And I carry it everywhere I go whether I wanted to or not.

Apakah film terakhir yang kamu tonton yang benar-benar bagus?

Film terakhir: Blade Runner 2049. I'm sure at least half of the population in this vast country would somewhat agree.

Satu hal apa yang kamu akan lakukan untuk mengubah dunia?

I'll build something that would benefit at least the majority of people, so that they will look back and think "I'm glad I had that". I still don't know what it'll be, but I would be thrilled to create the impossible one day. Ps this is supposed to sound genuine not obnoxiously ambitious, so.

waktu mahasiswa dulu ikut ukm / ormawa gitu ngga? kalau iya, what kinds?

nope, and nope. i only went in to Arsitektur Foto.

What is a skill you’d like to learn and why?

I'd like to know how to make a short film. I'd like to know how to produce music. I think it'd be things I'll be good at but too lazy to start, so. As of why- I'm not sure. Maybe mostly because I love re-creating stories through various outlets.

Kenapa ehhh kenapa orang2 suka menambahkan gula ke secangkir kopi? 😓

Some people like things extra sweet. Too sweet. I don't understand, either.

Apa hal paling kikuk yang pernah kamu ucapkan ke seseorang yang istimewa?

Almost everything I say is kikuk and almost nothing is special, so. I'll pass.

10 fact about =>

About...? I guess I'll have to somehow interpret that this question refers to me. I hate having to explain myself but, why not.
1. I am relatively tall.
2. I don't do snacks. Any kind. My fridge is always empty and I'm fine with it.
3. I wish I smoked, because only then I could have breaks in-between things and actually know what to do with my hands without seeming like I'm doing nothing in particular. Smoking looks like busy work.
4. I am very picky with the things I generally invest myself in. If I'm not too into it, then I probably don't like it at all.
5. I recharge myself when I am alone and that is the most liberating feeling throughout the day.
6. I don't like parties.
7. I don't like parties that involve drinking, either. I don't know why people make such a big deal out of dancing and drinking and liking each other for fun. It's just a thing people do and I find it pointless.
8. I draw mostly every day, and in my best days I can do it non stop up to 6 hours.
9. I have a list of things that I want to do that is too long and too insignificant and too far away from the ground.
10. I would definitely choose dogs over people.

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Kalo kamu dikasi pilihan terakhir untuk hidup bersama dengan cowo yg super duper egois, kamu bersedia? Why?

Uh, my choice would not be based solely on how huge his head is. If you think this sort of decision takes only one part out of a hundred particles inside a human body- then I think I'll pass on this question.

Hm well.. orang egois cenderung untuk memcapai apa yg dia inginkan tanpa melihat kondisi orang sekitarnya. Tidak melihat apakah orang lain suka atau tidak dengan perilakunya. Soal hubungan serius, ya gitu..

I still don't get the correlation mate.

Menurutmu apa mungkin seorang cowo yg super duper egois nya bisa menjalin hubungan serius dengan seorang cewe?

Apa hubungannya ego dan keseriusan?

Gue kasih lu perhatian lebih tp lu kurang kasih perhatian ke gue. Perhatian kita ga balance kyk persamaan akuntansi 👻

sapa neh

Could you recommend some good west series?

If you meant western series, here ye go:
1. Game Of Thrones (obviously)
2. Stranger Things
3. The Handmaid's Tale
4. Adventure Time
5. Steven Universe
6. American Gods
7. Twin Peaks
That's all I can think of at the moment, so.

Menurut lo buku apa yg recommended buat nambah wawasan, pengetahuan, dan pengembangan diri? List judul bukunya donk..

Here are some:
1. The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho
2. Be The Worst You Can Be - Charles Saatchi
3. Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho
4. Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan
5. Fahrenheit 451 - Ray Bradbury
Liked by: Agatha

What's one thing most people don't know about you?

Most people have no clue that I am actually a nice person and I'm not a ball of fury all the time, so.

Kenapa ya akhir2 ini bertemu dengan seorang pria ya sebut saja eksekutif muda yg menarik, dewasa, dan layak dijadikan calon suami, tapi.. bbrp pria tsb baru saja atau sudah beristri bahkan memiliki anak. Apakah salah jika mengagumi sosok mrk? Kenapa yg menarik itu sudah milik orang lain?? Why??? 😔

Bedakan mengagumi dan menginginkan.

Kan skrg pacaran sesama jenis udh menular gila2an grgr pergaulan yg salah itu, apa pendapat kamu soal pacaran sesama jenis? Kayak misalnya tomboy yg gayanya bnr2 mirip bgt cowo pacaran sm cewe tulen, kasian ortunya masa udh ngebesarin anak cewenya untuk pcrn dgn seorg tomboy..

It's the 21st Century and I feel like this sort of question is really getting out of style.

lebih suka upload apa kalau di medsos? in path, ig, or else?

i honestly never think twice before posting basically anything on social media. i upload whatever shit that's within my range at least 2-3 times a day and i guess that makes me an annoying bean. but yeah, whatever serves me good.

What was the last book you read?

stephen king's Bazaar of Bad Dreams.
i don't need to tell you how awesome it is and what makes it so, but i can tell you that it was beyond satisfying.

Orang dikatakan udah dewasa itu menurutmu yang seperti apa?

maturity is when you know what works for you and what doesn't, without losing touch with your environment. maturity is when you do what works for you and not care if anyone likes it.

What are you busy with today?

.....my plate's basically bursting with food crumbs and stains i don't even know where to begin.

Masih ada kah orang yang baiknya tuh tulus, apa adanya dan bisa menerima kekurangan orang lain? Baik di pekerjaan, or else. Ataukah sekarang jaman dimana orang baiknya di depan, terus ngomongin/ ngejelekin di belakang?

populasi orang di dunia ini kebetulan banyak banget gue gak tau each and every one of them. i'm sure there's still some good people out there; we're all capable of doing good.
i guess what we do and how we treat people has a lot to do with the circumstances we are strained upon and we are all constantly fighting our own demons.
you never know, basically. i can't say.


Language: English