

Ask @Syierah

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hai syirah, awk jual bunga ke ? sbb awk sllu buat hati sy brbunga² hahhahaha

eh eh someone gives me a pickupline lol btw no im not selling flowers but chocolates that 💖 (ids this call heart or what) in shape haha and here some for you 💕
Liked by: سكينه

how about kelantanese?

org kelantan em tbh x garang but a little bit kasar but not all of them haha but i ok je ngan kelantanese 😉

melepas la aku, boleh bagi explaination knape xinterested dgn org kedah? 😢😢

sebab org kedah garang 🙈 hehe

List f2 yg awk knl

a'qilah hayati najwa ain atiqah amaneena hanana raja yani alia najihah daniel arash azka dhiyad ntah lah tak ingat sangat 😪
Liked by: Najwaaa

asal sek2 jahat tu suke buat bnde bodo ea....sek2 koya hok selalu bt mslah tuh...serabuk aq...dh la pendek ..ado tu buncit..dok sedar diri...bilo la sek2 tu nak insaf....mujur time prep sek2 tu x mari kelas jah..serabuk tgk muko sekor2

aku rasa semua syaitan dah kena ikat . ni knape ada yg terlepas sekor ni 😪


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