

Ask @Syierah

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tbh im not sure i kenal you ke tak or maybe you know me but i dont know u or both of us tak kenal lmao haha nvm hello 🙋🙋🙋🙋

hahaha kita pernah ask ask dulu btw hi back XD
Liked by: Nuraqilah liloy

desc Nad :))

lol haha hi there long time no see huhu . nur nadhirah bt nasruddin eh ? sorry klau salah xp ehem . my primaryschoolmate gossipmate wakafmate gengtahpapemate krsmate lepakingmate hahaha ade lg ? lol seriously you're pretty dan keayuan pada mu menambahkn kecantikanmu whoaa haaha jkjk . kita kenal since year 3 tp masa tu baru nk kenal dan kita pun kelas lain2 so mmg susah nk rapat huhu tp at last rapat time year 6 heheh . nad ni hot stuff gila nk mampus hahahahaha ramai minat sumpah haha tp dia jenis tak ambik tau pun haha so klau bgtau dia psl ni , dye angkat kening je >< wuish comel haha (jgn kembang pfffttt) lol gue rindu kamoooo . hope to see you soon ? ahahahah bye :*
Liked by: Adia afiah Nadd

eh jap jap ,aku salah baca hahahahha. sorrywehsorry sumpah, aku ingat kau yang nak tanya 2nd question. wei sorry weh aku emo kit.

terkejut aku weh . nk nanges dah td tsk tsk

Adakah anda masuk kopu atas kerelaan sendiri atau paksaan ibubapa?

tbh I still regret for what had happened . its not because of my parents' wish but I'm the one who choose to be there . idk why . but still I have to be happy cause whenever how much I miss my old school , it would never change anything . hm farewell stemza :((


Language: English