

Ask @Syierah

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desc syafa

syafa madihaaaaa , my roommate haha . a kind hearted girl and such a pretty maigad . she's very nice and responsible , we all have seen it . dia ni tak pandai nk marah org hahaha klau marah pun kitorg gelak je . sangat ayuuuuuu (perempuan melayu terakhit katekan) bhaha dia ni bijakk tp slalu nafikan heh idk why . rajin , serious rajin sgt woah how I really adore her :) dia ni boleh di katakan mrs perfect 10 ah . cantik , baik , bijak , rajin . haha calon isteri yg mcm mane lagi anda mahukan ? ceh ceh haha btw syafa , good luck pt3 der !!

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Asal ko trlbh mesra nga jntan

lel I don't see the "terlebih" between me and them . sometimes you can't trust your eyes without asking the person or find out the truth .
Liked by: Husnaaa

ha ah lah bilik jauh. 😭😭😭 peliknye tahun dpn sbb dh 2 tahun dkt ngn kau ngn iman heheh. btw not tall ke?? huhu 😂😂

bhahaha gonna miss me ? lel not too short not too tall hehe actually I nk share photo td tp failed hish
Liked by: Husnaaa

desc baihaqi haikal 2b ..decs panjang2

Baihaqi haiqal , 2 ibnu khatir , ldp 15/16 . em idk much about him actually but I'll try my best . em he's a tall guy and every shirts he wears suit him well . em dia ni rapat ngan seniors i guess lel what more eh ? haha sorry takde ideas nk desc pape pun good luck pt3 bai !! :)

describe aku even though dh pernah buat long long time a go 😂😂

fuh hakak famous mintak kita desc lah haha bangga kejap lel actually I'm busy tgk drama sassy go go but as you ask for it i ok je hahaha that's opening sbnrnya pffftttt . ehem uhk ok i nk describe ni kejap ek nk reply msg org . hmmmmmmm ok done . apa dah td ? ohya describe hahahahahambar is just for you . okay ! nik natimah nik rashiddin . a gorges talented gege girl haha . she's one of the debaters once so sbb tu kot talkative skit ngeh ngeh . fatimah or timoh ni baik funny nak matiiiii . ade je story mory dia yg latest buat aku pecah perut lel srs talk ni takda main main . haha fatimah ni , aku nmpk seorang yg mmg ada usaha on something she wants . betol tak tipu . slalu aku tgk dia hafal quran kat surau sungguh2 atau bak kata budak ganu , habis teh ye ngapa hahaha bagus fatimah ! keep it up ! Haha ok ok em she's not a tall girl but at least taller than me heh eleh nnti aku pun taller than her jugak aminn . em ape lg eh ? ohya one of the bppsp , 2 abu amru , abu bakar , kelab media pastu aku taktau dah hahaha weh susah gak en nk cari idea nih hm . fatimah ni jiran aku tp tahun dpn bilik dah jauh ~ make sure you and your roommates dtg bilik i mcm selalu ye jgn dtg mintak cotton bud je . lepak2 lah jugak ok haha and yeah korang pun jgn nk ambik iron board floor nanti tarak baik xp i don't have ideas to describe more about you eventho I know you well but I really love being friends with you cause you're such a friendly and sometimes geng turun lambat same cam aku haha btw tahun dpn nk turun awal ke lmbat ? floor 2 kaannn haha tp rasa cam malas nk trun awal hehe . em continuing , thankyou for always lending your ears and shoulders to me since we've met . and sorry for every wrongdoings . I love you and I really appreciate this friendship and I hope it will never end ok babeh btw all the best for your pt3 next year dude !!

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Liked by: afiqah husna Amalia


Language: English