

Ask @Syierah

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desc hamdi,PE,fawwaz

hamdi - I've desc him before actually but em ive nothing to do so its ok to desc this boy again i guess . em hamdiiiii an emotional boy hahahaha nah jk . he's handsome kot cause everyone admire him huh haha em yeah boleh lah tahan handsome ceh . ramai yg meminati dia dlm diam lel . haha a quite tall guy em I love seeing him in the black jacket bhahaha ok ok this is too much . hamdi budak active sukan , hafazan pun laju huh sometimes aku kat dpn tp skrg dia dah pintas aku hampeh we'll see next year pulak ok . hmm I don't have ideas to desc you more so gudluck pt3 next year !!
PE - or his real name is Irfan Auzaie . budak kuantan ek ? hm a quite tall person and dulu innocent gila bhaha but people do change . but he's not a bad boy actually just not a good boy like before . ehm he's one of the hyperactive gang . tbh he look cute SOMETIMES . ohya one of the prs members too . nah idk much about him . anyway good luck pt3 next year !!
fawwaz - a cheerful person . love hamdi so much uh idk why haha . a very brave boy and he loves to try new things . he's a responsible boy yknow haha dulu i didn't believe he can do the jobs but he showed me that I'm wrong about him haha sorry dude . hm he likes taekwando I guess sbb slalu gi grading dgn wawa haha jk . he's the one yg slalu take the risks in any activities waahh he's such a nice person lel . eh fawwaz if you read this , I just wanna say thankyou and sorry for everything but pls stay at kopu ok im begging you . haha all the best for pt3 !! kbye

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Liked by: Amalia Aiida.a

So give ur answer and reason

idk cause iffah is gorges and dini is cute . its just like you're asking me "chocolate or ice cream" meh ?
Liked by: Amalia

Ouh so if you're tall, u will choose Iffah? and if you're short, u will choose Diniey?

haha maybe but sometimes short girls need tall boys yknow
Liked by: Amalia

list prmpuan cantik setiap batch

f1 - i can't remember her name sorry !!
f2 - iffah nasuha
f3 - aneesa afifuddin
f4 - kak yasmin namili
f5 - kak suray
Liked by: Amalia

Desc nazreeq pnjg2

em my classmate , budak pandai , not too tall not too short , salah sorg geng 'gege' 2a tp agak diam huh . dia duduk between qayyum ngan syakir . org selangor klau tak silap . k done


Language: English