
Danil Reshetnikov

Ask @theDiamondprox

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Do you think that Gambit as an organisation is responsible for some of your difficulties ? (Bad internet, problem with gaming house, coach always late,..)

Tom - Savety_
Well they are responsible for that, obviously. But for myself I can justify their misses because for all the shit that could happen, they usually had "plan B"(if one internet sucks, we got another one. if forgiven gets banned, we can use steelback, if steelback cant play, we will use P1noy, etc.), but sometimes their "plan B" failed too, so they needed "plan C"(or plan Z in the forgiven's case xD) which they didn't have usually. So overall Gambit is fine, but with it's unluckiness they should prepare for the worst-worst case scenario every time.

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Will this be your last split?

No. Unless I get hit by lightning. I really enjoy playing competitive. I can only imagine two things I'd enjoy more as a job than what I'm currently doing. Its being a game-developer of some really insane project, or exploring the universe. The second is just a dream, and for the first I have not enough knowledge yet, so I'll keep doing what I like, meanwhile gathering knowledge and enjoying the young life :)

What do you think of Lizard > Brutalizer > Fulltank on Lee jungle?

percymackay’s Profile PhotoPercy
It's possible. Sometimes you get hexdrinker instead of brutalizer too. But you also need sightstone asap.
Overall if you have an advantage and a possibility to play around favourable small fights or duels - hexdrinker or brutalizer can help you a bit. But don't build both, because you'll need to replace one of those items if game will pass ~45 minutes mark.

In the current meta game disengage support (Janna/Nami/thresh) are very popular and also late game scaling adcs, why is olaf top/jungle not played considering his kit automatically counters the entire supports kit and he is very difficult to peel off your adc until late game.

LordShields’s Profile PhotoConnor Shields
Lets imagine jungle olaf fighting lucian at ~40 minutes mark:
He runs in... axe... 2 seconds... axe... he is dead, lucian full hp. Thats why.
ADC's items scalings are way too high in comparison to nerfed randuins and other tanky items(not even considering the fact that ADC's usually have 1.5x farm of toplaner and 3-4x of jungler. also tanks should build some mres too to not get oneshoted by another balanced role - midlaner).

Наверняка подобный вопрос уже был. Данил,хотелось бы поинтересоваться твоим мнением к поступку Алексича.Был ли это акт самопиара? Готов ли ты говорить подобные ужасные вещи ради материальных благ?

ThePowerfulCrasher’s Profile PhotoAssHoler
Мне в чужой мозг не залезть, чтобы дать ответ на первый вопрос.
А про родину... Мне очень нравится моё русское нутро(хотя наверное это и называется "душой"), нравится та часть жизни, что я тут уже прожил, те бесценные люди, с которыми тут познакомился, а самое главное - единство нашего народа в самые трудные времена. Так что таких слов о своей родине или о нации я сказать не смогу. Хоть и у всех правил, конечно же, есть исключения.
Думаю, что в каждой стране хватает своих недостатков, а сбежав однажды от родины - едва ли найдешь где-нибудь новую.

why didnt you leave with alex? and then make a new team? :)

At first - because I really liked to play with Darien and Ganja. And after they got replaced - because I wanted to prove that I worth to play in the LCS and we can even build a team in one month for it. And now I enjoy to play with my teammates, all the guys seems motivated and I want to push our limits in the next season, or even earlier ;)
Also I have much trust and respect to our organisation, so I want to stay in it as long as i can.


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