
ryden à deux

Ask @AbbeeyyMaryy

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no im not 5 im 16!!!!11!! and he even told me that it happend so yeh...he did do it! if u show him theese messages later i bet u he will start acting all weird

Alright, calm down O_o Jeez. And fine, I will :/

dont tell me to run along, its your boyfrend thats the baddy here not me. i am just telling you because you deserve to kno

Tyler is not a ''baddy'' (what are you, 5?) And I fully trust him to tell me if something like that happened:/

it was last weekend, they had sex and everything. and they didnt use a condom and anneka tinks she is pregnant so it sucks to be u

Mmm, okay love. If you say so. He would have told me if anything like that happened, so yeah. Run along~

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?

What I want it to be like or realistically? Ah well, I'll answer both~
What I want it to be like ~ With Tyler, in a 3/4 bedroom house with four beautiful, smart children. Our first child would be called Axel, and he would be really smart, like, a supergenius! Then identical twin girls, Tay and Blake, who would be very artistic and musically talented, then last, our second son, Zero, who would be really quiet and shy. We'd have three or four dogs, I want two Dalmatians so that I can breed them, and Tyler would have a German Shappard.
Realisticaly ~ I'll have messed up my life BIG TIME, because that's what I do best. I'll probably be living with my parents or I'll be homeless.

What is your favorite place to eat?

If it's someplace cheap, then I'd say either Maccy D's or BK. However, if you want someplace expensive, then TGIF :)

Do you want to be famous?

I always wanted to be when I was little. I loved to sing, I sang everywhere I went, in the car, at school, I even sung myself to sleep. Then it became to much for the people around me, and they started putting me down, which really knocked my confidence. To be famous will always be my dream, but it's only that.......a dream.

What kind of surprises do you like?

One's that I'm eally not expecting. Like being brought a cuppa after college or whatnot ><

You're Boyfreined is the most loyal boy I know he will never do anything to hurt you. He talks about you all the time. you two are perfect

Awh, thank you? :') I know he is, he is amazing in every way imagineable! >< What does he say about me to you? Good things I hope? :')

What is your true oppinion on Tyler?

The truth is, I honestly do love him! He is the most perfect person I've ever met, and ever will. Although, sometimes I take him for granted and I am just eally selfish towards him, I expect him to drop everything for me....but not anymore. I realise that a strong relationship doesn't work that way, you need to give the other person space, which is hard for us. It really sucks that we can't go more than a fews days without seeing eachother, because we both need to have seperate lives. But that's what's hard...I don't understand how easily he can be taken away from me, his hugs, his kisses, just his presence in a room. :/ So I am determined to become a better person for him....to not be selfish and expect things from him all of the time. Like how he walks me home from the trainstation every Sunday, just so that he can spend an hour with me, or how he'll be at college 2 hours earlier than he needs to be, just so he can spend an extra 10 minutes talking to me. Sometimes, it feels as though I don't even make an effort with him, which kills me, because it also costs so much just to live nearer to him, let alone money for college and food:/ But all of that aside, he is my soulmate, my absolute world. I have never felt this way about anyone before, and I hope I don't do anything stupid to lose that.

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What created our World?

Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state, but nearly 40 million years ago expansion started. Wait!
The air ir began to cool the autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools we built the wall, we built the pyramids. Maths, science, history, unravelling the mystery, it all started with the BIG BANG.
Liked by: Tyler illsley


Language: English