
ryden à deux

Ask @AbbeeyyMaryy

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LOOL who do you think u are really? Going on like you're someone special because you get attention for being a SLUT

Who do I think I am? Someone who was dragged down by the likes of you, and no, not just because you're fat.
Yeah, I'm a slut, only ever done stuff with you. MY BAD.
Liked by: Aishah

You know who it was

No I don't because it didn't happen. So please tell me who you think it was.

You cheated

HA. With who may I ask? Seeing as I never left the house? Was it perhaps my friends that live about 5 hours away or was it anons?
Liked by: Aishah

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Such a slut you talk to so many guys and wonder why you can't have a serious long lasting relationship ? Nobody wants a girl who talks to so many guys while being with someone

You want to know why we didnt make it to ten months? Because you were a compulsive liar, meeting up with girls behind my back, meeting up with your ex's and calling them beautiful, asking other girls to fuck you and showing your one inch wonder to the world :D I actually wrote a list of reasons why I didn't want to be with you whilst we were going out. LEL
And to be fair, if they can't accept the fact that I have friends, then they're not worth it, just like you weren't. Made me feel like shit all the time, stopped me from talking to my closest friends, made me into someone I never wanted to be, and I thank my lucky stars that you're not in my life anymore.
Now why don't you run back to mummy tell her about all the things you fucked up at, have a cry in your room with your teddy because I'm ''out of fucking order'' and cut yourself some more.
That is all.

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Liked by: James Allen

The last one I was, he was ill, I was like, no don't go all in and lose on purpose, stay, stay, stay :c

Sometimes I think he's like ''fuck it, more where that came from'' :')


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