
ryden à deux

Ask @AbbeeyyMaryy

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3 hottest guys on your Facebook ? 3 hottest guys on your Twitter ?

I have like 2000 followers on Twitter, I ain't going through them. Same with my facebook friends.

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Why are you never on anymore? :'c

Because the Internet is shit now, most people have turned into cunts and I actually have a life and my own shit to deal with~
Liked by: #ihateu

Doing hot or nots, sending this to everybody I follow x

Sorry I didn't see this sooner, but thank you for following. I follow you too :3 x

If you get this you're on that small list of people I follow. Opinion on me?

You're silly because you like Maccys better than Burger King :(

Post a picture of your eye, no make-up at all?

Sorry it took so long, but by the time I opened up ask.fm I had already done my male up :o

10 likes = Fansign 50 likes = Whole body showing covering penis fansign.ahahahahaahhahahaahhahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahaahahhaahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha

It makes me want to stick a fork in my eye.
Liked by: Rio

It's the fact that he thinks he's the shit that gets me.

I KNOW. it's like ''no, get your head out of your own arse and crawl back and ring the bell of notre dam''

so a guy is allowed to be a dick if he has a six pac with muscles but he cant if he doesnt have them?

No I mean about posting the naked pictures online...I'm saying I'd understand if they had muscles, cause they'd wanna show it off

He has a very kickable face. He's such a dick. He has reached a level of denial previously thought impossible.

Like seriously, I'd understand if he had like, a bazillion muscles and a six-pac, but nooooooo, which just makes it even more funny:')

I don't get it, what do you want to like and why? Also you didn't answer my question fgt ;-;

Look at his ask box thing, first of all, how cringy and stuff his bio is, how much of a nob he looks and his picture, PLUS the fact that he's doing naked pictures ahahahaha, but no I'm not on, Full Frontal is about to start :D #priorities


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