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My parents won't let me see him alone. Must go with them or get company. But I need privacy :( I'm 22 not 12 :'( I don't get proper freedom. I'm not out of control please don't be too worry or act like too over protective. 😣 whyyyyyy

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beb. sekarang ni dah banyak kes kot pasal lelaki yg libatkan perempuan sekali. do you remember student uitm area negeri sembilan tu? yes. dia di bunuh beb. tu sebab laki tu panas baran or under drug aku tak ingat. tapi tu problemnya kalau kau pergi jumpa lelaki yg bukan dari family kau. sebab tu parents kau nak ikut/ tahu.
This is the way that they know to show their love! Take someone with you without sitting at the same place! Just feel safe, comfortable and enjoy your time 💕🤷🏻
it should, because youre not lonely. you should bersyukur lah because have people love you. but some people that not have this feel, they need it . so you should positively
me 26 still need accompany to meet someone especially different gender. it's not about privacy or whatnot. it just a precautions. we never know what will happened. unless you go out alone without meeting someone with different gender. parents knows better than us. just believing them 🌸😉
Yess you are bloody 22 not 12 ! and why your parents act like too ever protective right?? But before u say that, ask yourself first. Maybe you act like one of them (dont get me wrong😂) Yes, u are 22 and matured but maybe your character kinda like 'x berapa meyakinkan' in their eyes, so they dont trust u. So yeahh, just my opinion. Dont hate me😂
babe. parents lebih kenal pemikiran lelaki camna lagi lagi ayah kita. baik camna pun lelaki kita tak boleh nak expect apa yang akan terjadi in future. saya tak cakap lelaki jahat tapi tu la kena hati hati. parents buat camtu sebab dia sayang kamu
Bersyukur lah bila deme masih concern pasal kau. Jangan memberontak. Ada sebab deme tak bagi pergi sorang. Berapa percent sangat kau boleh jamin kau selamat if pergi sesorang.

Language: English