
Fahad Nasir

Ask @Alfahadeen

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Go through our answers one time. We've made this page for you to read them :)

DarseQuran’s Profile PhotoMuslim Speakers
Mashallah! I really love the efforts you've put in this page and I love your answers. It feels nice to see that where there is fakeness all around, where people drool over and dissolve under the stench of merely glamour(I'm talking about ask.fm generally), there is decency too.
I hope that through your page people get the help they need and that you too utilize it with abnegation as first and foremost priority.

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Quote something poetic and sweet!

|Unless you too can sniff your tears,
Speak not to me, through your stares,
Look away 'cause your weeping eyes
Weakens me, creeps in me, calls forth more cries.
A hug nor a kiss neither touch my demand,
All that wounds is your gaze I cannot stand.|
This poem is all I can manage to quote Al. Don't know about the sweetness of it, but you should have figured by now that I prefer anguish and intensity in my writing usually :')

Today is Women's Equality Day! Who do you think is the greatest woman in history?

All those unsung heroes who had been a victim to brutality by the animals disguised as men and yet they rise with a triumph over despair. The ones whose innocence had been shattered, whose flowing tears are targeted with filthy reprimands, for whom sleep containing a nightmare is a boon, and for whom surrender is the only viable option left. Surrendering to their past. Surrendering to this anguished life.
That one person who exorcised a despicable Fahad into such a transformed person that he is today. This one's for you ZA ❤️.


Language: English