

Ask @Arekusandaa

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Which movie you could watch 24/7 and why?

Actually no movie, since I have a hard time to even watch one regularly.
But that answer won't probably do, so I'll say A Clockwork Orange or The Godfather.
Liked by: Victoria Kinney

What was the worst thing you've ever lived in your life?

I believe that any "worst thing" haven't happened yet.
Liked by: i ❀

It's soon your birthday! can I send gifts? :3

Sure thing! Hit me up on any of my social media pages and I'll send the fanmail address :)

Areku ! Hi XD Do you like sword art online? Or any other anime ? Or Korean Dramas?. Sorry so many questions

Jessica Yuuki
The last anime I saw was "Code Geass". I don't keep up to date with anime or dramas, sorry

I've always asked myself: Do you have songs of your band on your Mp3 Player? :0

Yes. but I rarely listen to the tracks myself.

Hej! Jag älskar att sjunga och det är mitt mål i livet att kunna sjunga bra, i princip. Men ingen av mina föräldrar tror på att jag kommer att lyckas och jag kan stöta på förolämpningar om min sångröst av mina föräldrar. Vad hade du gjort i min situation?

Om du har tilltro till din förmåga, kör på!
Liked by: Erica X Japan

Are which country you would like to go, Mexico, Spain, Germany? you can only choose one

Right now, Germany.

If you could live in another world )like harry potter or one piece) which world you'd chose?

I would live in the realm of endless fields and peace.
I'll see you when the leaves change colors.

is it hard to be in a band

Overall, no. At least not in my band.
We're all a bunch of individuals with goals that we're working hard together to achieve.
Liked by: Erica X Japan


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