

Ask @Arekusandaa

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To what extent would you go to cheer a freind up?

I've done some pretty more or less stupid things over the centuries to cheer up my friends, so haha.. I can go far in order to cheer one up!
Liked by: Esther

Does your name had a meaning??

My name bears the meaning I create along with it.
Historically, it means "Defender of Mankind" or "Ruler of the World", depending on the source.
Liked by: Menna Nashaat

Do you to listen to My Chemical Romance? I'm really sad that they've splitted. :(

I also felt a little bad when I saw it, even though I'm far from a hardcore-fan.
I love their two first album, that's gold! Overall, I think they're really good ^^/
Liked by: Menna Nashaat

Have you ever cross-dressed before?

I have tried on a dress, but I have never done a real serious attempt to crossdress. And it's not really in my interest to do so.

What was the worst thing that ever happened in your Life?

On that very day, it was loosing a friend with who I shared a long history. Now days, I can see that we would drift apart eventually anyway, but I have probably never felt so bad again as I felt that day.

and now learn read what the transletor say twice i have mean a other quetion >.´< i mean : (now witout translator ) according your opinion can a person to nice / frindly ? O(=>.<=)O Soory for the mistake Q.Q

If a person can be too nice/friendly?
Well.. that depends. If they're being nice, just for the sake of it, it feels false.
But I have friends that are genuinly just very nice to everyone.
Liked by: Pandachany

Whats you're secret to living 200+ years and looking so young?

Eating lots of cheese and drinking lots of wine!

När du kommer till Stockholm, kan jag få visa dig runt och bjuda på fika? :33

Sure thing, vem tackar nej till att bli bjuden på både rundvadnring OCH fika?!

When did you start in the music biz?

I don't consider myself anywhere near being "in the music biz", but I did start taking music more professional around 3 years ago.

What would you do if you had 1Million?

Invest some money (but I'm not telling in what!), secure the future for my relatives if needed, then spend it on musical-stuff for my music, such as touring, hiring a pro to record in the studio I would build with some of the money.
And some nice drinks.
Liked by: Lilith666

What do you like the most: McDonalds , Burger King or Pizza Hut?

I don't remember ever going to Pizza Hut, but of MC and BK, I would choose Burger King.

How many asks do you get per day? And do you answer every single one?

That seems to be different from day to day, haha. Since I do not log in here every day it's hard to tell exactly, but I would guess around 10-20 on the average day.

Which Place do you want to visit in the Future?

Oh, so many!
Germany, of course ;)
I would like to view the World!
But I would like to start of with Germany, France and Japan.
Liked by: Lilith666


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