
The Day Maker

Ask @BHDayMaker

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Hey, i like the idea of the page so much. It's fucking awesome. Whoever you're, you're beautiful, and you deserve all the best. I just wanted to make your day as you make the others people's day.❤ Bye.

Thank you dear ❤

its okay :Pp I get used to :P btw ward deserve it :pp

You don't have to do all that and look like an idiot because of me

nah I said ur answers make me smile while I am reading it and when my mom or my brothers see me smiling for the screen they think i am an idiot :pp

Hahaha okay :P

spending time with you doesn't call wasting :/ <33 ur so nice and a good girl and u make me happy and some of ur answers make me smile while iam looking at the screen and look like an idiot :P and if you want to call this wasting okay let is be :)

Why my answers make you feel like an idoit? :P

t5afish ma ba3ml eshi :P btw okay as u like adorable ward :P <3

Do you know that you're wasting your time with me?

Mmmmm :D as u like sweetie <33 hlaa e7kili enu ma a7ki sweetie :P e7kiha o shufi shu r7 a3ml :P :P

yeah don't call me sweeite!!!!

no I wont call you a word u dont want me to say it btw btdlii ward <3 allah ma ye7rmna mnhaa <33 :)))

No it's okay with me

hahahaha :P I mean the ur amoura and no body can say anything about it :P and it my word and i can use it when I want to :P btw amoura msh shart ma3naha el kamel enu bs 3n el jamal :/

Okay call me as you want ! You're free :)

amoura o 5awa kman :P btw klmtee ana o 7ur feeha :p btw how did u now that ur not ?

I didn't understand your first two sentences !
It's about that I don't think that I'm amoura but I think it isn't good to call me amoura and you dont know...

amoura amoura amoura :Pp dear if u will get mad i will stop :D

of couse I won't get mad :)
but I'm not amoura :P

inshallah ya rab ma tfar2 el de7keh wijhk :)) okay then tell me what make you happy

When I feel that I'm beautiful it makes me happy

ik bs azdii 2abl shwe :/ btw 3adii :D ummm what is the thing that make you smile tell me plz <3 :)

I'm always smiling! I'm the one who smiles the most in the world :P


Language: English