
The Day Maker

Ask @BHDayMaker

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Sorry :(

Ya allah! I'm sorry I know I was rude with you and stupid too but I really have headache and I can't understand you.... :(

I'm the one who should feel stupid :P Answer about what?!

Just forget about it dear! I feel so much stupid because I don't know how to answer people sorry for that and I'm just laughing!
Liked by: 3loi☆ Jihad

I didn't know >.< So now you know who i am!

I don't know who you are and I'm sorry and you don't have to help me I'm okay thanks
Liked by: Jihad

I hope so! Would you please smile now? أيتها الفتاة العربية الراقية ؛) ❤️

If there is anuthing would me smile right now is because your wrote in Arabic! I love Arabic and you made me mad with it! :'(
Thanks anyways :) ❤

Why! What is it? What made you so sad? Hey listen whatever is wrong with you it's gotta end,you can't stay heartbroken forever! So how about this..if i like this answer and unlike right away you'd know who i am and then you can tell me what's wrong and ima be there for you..okay?

Thanks for your offer but I'm okay and you don't need to do anything.

And what is this ":/" for? :) :) :) :) Smile ;)

because no one wants to make my day and I got headache w b7s 7ali daloo3a so sorry for being stupid silly one
bye ✋

I'm not the one who said he wants to make your day..but i am the one who liked your answer. And i thought that you were mixed up so i didn't answer to give the one who asked a chance :)

okay. thanks for your explaining. :/
Liked by: Jihad

Would you mind making my day ??

No I wouldn't!
I don't know what's going on with you that makes me wanna hear some good words and someone to support you BUT remember that everything is gonna pass, and everything is gonna be okay. Sometimes we feel depressed and sad but if we just think about how much we are better from lots of people around the life, we will smile and thank god for everything we have!
So smile dear and be fine for people who love you and always wanna see your bright smile on your face!
I don't know what to say but I wish my words can help you and if you want to say anything I am here to hear from you!
Enjoy your night :D

حاضر..سأكتب بالعربية :) أيتها الرقيقة ذات القلب الرقيق..حاولي أن تتخذي من القلم رفيقاً لكِ..بما أنكِ لا تشكين لأحد فجربي أن تمسكي القلم..و ترجمي أوجاعكِ و مخاوفكِ و مشاعركِ كلها إلى كلمات..ستُبهرين لما قد يرسم حبركِ..ستبدعين ؛) بانتظار بوحكِ.. ❤️

يا ربي تدرين انج حيرتيني ما اعرف اكتب بالفصحى شسوي؟ ههههههههه
بس مشكوووورة وايد.. بجرب اني اكتب لاني لا افضفض حق احد ولا اكتب يعني مخنوقة!
وسامحيني وايد لاني ما اعرف اكتب :$$ ❤❤
Liked by: Cyrine Khlaif

You're not that bad! Actually you're good..don't feel bad about it but instead try to improve it ;) i sent this to make you happy not to remind you of another reason to be sad for. Smile, you pretty smiles maker! ^_^

I read books alot but I don't write and that's why I'm bad! Thank you for your words they really made me happy! always write in Arabic please ❤❤
Liked by: موضي.

شكراً..سعيدة بردة فعلك ^_^ ❤️

كل الشكر لك.. كنت أحاول تنظيم ما استطعت من الكلمات العربي لاحاول الرد بجواب لائق وللتو اكتشفت ان لدي لغة عربية سيئة واني شديدة السوء في الكتابة بلغتي الأم! اشعر بالسوء لذلك! :(
Liked by: موضي.


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