
The Day Maker

Ask @BHDayMaker

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no need ♥ and don't put that sad face ... I hate it .. you are too cute to be sad !!

I feel sad now for something ❤ :(

you are the most kind person I've ever met ♥ thank you alot ♥♥ and you are my friend too

Awwww... Thanks alot ❤❤ :(

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I'm someone :p I can be your friend if you want to :') ? .. its okay if you don't :p

You're already my friend ❤❤

So glad to hear such a thing ♥ keep going with your self and God bless you ♥

Thank you ❤ It's not always like that I mean sometimes I feel so depressed and just wanna someone *sighhh*

I can see that ,but Have anyone made yours ? you know .. and I know that you want to see others happy and smiling and sometimes crying ! but sometimes you wish that if someone actually made yours :/ .. anway I'm sorry for taking your time and I'm sorry for talking alot bye !!

No don't apologize dear! I'm enjoying talking to you ❤
Of course I wished that I have one who cares and makes my day! My friends try here to do so and I'm fine with it! I'm mean I have family who love me alot! How can I ask for more? I don't need people anymore I'm fine with myself :)
What do you think?

oh ! that is better .. cuz me too .. so i think we are going to get each other easly !! so I enter you page constantly and I just wonder why there is no one who will make your day !! why you are the one who supose to make others day ?

I created this account to make people's days if I can! I like to help people and to see them happy. I do this because I feel that I'm lonely and people here are like my friends. I make their days but if no one wants to make mine.. I have to do nothing! :)


Language: English